Page 36 of Dark Awakening: New World
"I thought about it before you woke up. When the Clan Mother was about to leave, she said that she would come back tomorrow, which is today, but Bridget might have told her that you were starting the physical rehabilitation and that you needed time to rest."
"We can ask her on the way." Ell-rom shuffled toward the open door.
Bridget wasn't in her office as they passed by it on the way to Morelle's room, and she wasn't with his sister either.
"I wonder where she went," Jasmine murmured. "She was here only a moment ago."
Ell-rom walked over to Morelle, leaned on his walker, and clasped her hand. "Hello, sister of mine," he said quietly. "Don't you think it is time to wake up? I need you by my side." He lifted her warm, delicate hand to his lips. "They cut your hair off, and now we have identical haircuts. I wonder if you would find it funny that we are both bald. You are beautiful even without the hair, so you shouldn't worry about it."
Behind him, Jasmine slid into one of the chairs and sat quietly, listening to his ramblings.
Morelle looked so fragile. Her skin was pale, almost translucent, and she looked a lot like him, and not just because of their matching bald heads. They weren't identical, and she was much better looking than he and softer, but the resemblance was obvious.
Turning around, he shuffled to the chair next to Jasmine and sat down using the chair's armrest for support. "I don't know what else to say to her." The room was so small that he could lean forward and reach his sister's hand.
"You can tell her about all the new experiences you've had since waking up. Tell her about the Clan Mother and Kian and the clan." She shifted her gaze to Morelle's face. "She looks peaceful. Like she's just sleeping."
Ell-rom nodded. "She always slept more soundly than I did. Even when we were children..." He trailed off, surprised by the sudden rush of memory.
"You remember that?" Jasmine asked.
"Just flashes." Ell-rom frowned as he tried to grasp the fleeting images. "We shared a room in the temple. Morelle would fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, but I'd lie awake for hours, listening to the night sounds and worrying about... something. I can't quite remember what."
Jasmine smiled encouragingly. "That's good progress. Your memories are coming back, bit by bit."
Ell-rom squeezed Morelle's hand gently. "You need to wake up so we can piece it all together."
"Tell me about her," Jasmine said. "What else do you remember?"
Ell-rom closed his eyes, focusing on the warmth of Morelle's hand in his and using it as an anchor to draw out more memories.
A smile tugged at his lips. "She was protective of me. I remember her standing up to someone. I assume it was the head priestess, but I can't quite see who. I just remember feeling more secure with Morelle at my side. We were a team."
As he spoke, more memory fragments surfaced. "I don't know if I remember us training together or whether it is something I dreamt up. Swords, javelins, sticks, hand-to-hand. She wasn't as strong as I was, but she was fast and agile."
The memories were so elusive that he hoped he wasn't making them up, creating in his mind the perfect sister he wanted Morelle to be.
"She sounds wonderful," Jasmine said. "I can't wait to get to know her."
"She'll like you," Ell-rom smiled. "We are twins, so she must have the same preferences as I do."
Jasmine laughed. "You are not identical twins. You might have very different personalities and likes and dislikes. I hope she likes me, and I will do everything I can so she does, but it's not guaranteed."
Ell-rom turned his attention back to Morelle. "You'd better like my…" What was he supposed to call Jasmine? His friend? His mate? His love interest?
"Girlfriend," Jasmine said. "You can call me your girlfriend."
He frowned. "You are my friend, but you are more than that."
"That's what a girlfriend means. It means a romantic friend."
"But Morelle won't understand that. Can I call you my mate?"
Jasmine chewed on her lower lip. "I think that the term mate implies a permanent relationship. I would like to think that we might have that one day, but it's too early for that. Right now, we are just getting to know each other."
He had no idea how things like that worked, so he had to rely on Jasmine's experience and knowledge of the subject. "A romantic friend, then. That's what I will call you."
Her lips twitched as if she was trying to stifle a laugh. "It sounds a little awkward, but it will do for now." Her eyes suddenly widened. "What about a paramour? How does that translate to Kra-ell?"