Page 268 of Steamy Ever After
Peyton loved both and hadn’t made enough time for either. It was the reason she and Alex had set up Stave’s schedule the way they had. They both had three days off in a row. Alex was off Monday, Stave was closed Tuesday and Wednesday, and Peyton was off Thursday. She needed to take advantage of the time off more often than she did.
They’d talked about hiring a manager, but it seemed silly. With a four-day work week, they should’ve been able to balance their personal and professional lives with little effort.
“Ready, Mom?”
The boys climbed into her mother’s Range Rover while her parents hugged. Peyton watched them. What they had was what she’d always wanted. They respected and admired each other. Dad was Mom’s biggest fan and vice versa. They didn’t agree on everything, but they found a way to discuss their differences without anger. When her dad gripped her mother’s neck and kissed her, Peyton looked away. It reminded her too much of Brodie doing it to her.
“I’m so happy you’re with us today, Mom.” Finn snuggled up to her, and Peyton melted.
Had she been absent in their lives lately? She prided herself on the time she spent with them, but obviously, something was off. Starting now, that would change. Her boys were her priority and had been since the day they were born.
“Me too, kiddo.”
Jamison was looking out the window, lost in thought. “What’s up, Jamie?”
“It’s somethin’.”
“I want you to be happy, Mama.”
Peyton’s eyes filled with tears. Jamison never called her “mama,” unless he was feeling sick, or sad, or he was worried about her.
“I’m happy when I’m with you guys.”
“You know what I mean.”
She almost laughed and would’ve if her heart wasn’t splitting in two. Sometimes, she thought Jamison was the wisest person she knew. How a ten-year-old could have the sensitivity and insight he had was a mystery.
“Riding makes me happy.” Peyton turned around and looked at him.
He smiled and rolled his eyes. Yep, he was her boy.
“Isn’t this weather wonderful?” Her mom rode up beside her. “Hard to believe it’s the beginning of March and it’s this warm. Good for the vines.”
They rode past rows and rows of grapes laid perfectly on the rolling hills of the Los Caballeros ranch. Some of the best wine in the world came from these vineyards.
“Slow down,” Peyton shouted when the boys ventured farther away than she was comfortable with. “I’m going to catch up with them, Mom.”
Her mother nodded, and Peyton was off.
All too soon, she saw why they were riding in the direction they were. Brodie Butler was several yards away on one of the most beautiful Morgans she’d ever seen. A powerful horse for a powerful man. He sat regally, yet comfortably, in the saddle.
“Finn!” Peyton heard Jamison scream.
She couldn’t see either of them, but she took off in the direction of their voices. Brodie must have heard it and was riding toward them too.
Peyton jumped off her horse when she saw her little boy on the ground, held him in Brodie’s arms.
“He’s okay.” Brodie looked up at her. “I think his leg might be broken, but otherwise, I don’t see any sign of head trauma. You’re good, right, partner?”
Finn reached for her, and Jamison was standing over them, wiping his tears.
She reached up and squeezed his hand. “It’s okay, Jamie. He’s going to be fine. We’ll take him to the hospital for an X-ray. Okay?”
Brodie was on the phone, telling someone their GPS coordinates and asking them to get down here as soon as possible. “Call the hospital and see if I can land,” she heard him say.