Page 267 of Steamy Ever After
When Naughton chuckled, Brodie left. He was exhausted from the little sleep he got the night before, Ma’s heart attack, and the shit with Kade. He needed rest. When he woke up tomorrow, maybe he’d be able to think more clearly and have a better idea of what to do about Peyton.
Unable to resist, he texted her once he was at his place. He should’ve known she wouldn’t answer. She’d made herself clear this afternoon. It wasn’t as though she was the first woman to break things off with him. Most of the time, he’d planned to do the same thing.
With Peyton, though, Brodie couldn’t accept it. He couldn’t shrug his shoulders and walk away. He was used to letting go, knowing another woman was waiting in the wings, probably someone he wanted more, anyway. This time, he didn’t want another woman.
He wanted Peyton. No one else. It was crazy. He knew that. A week ago, he hadn’t known her, and now he felt as though he couldn’t live without her. He was obsessed, and that went against who he’d believed himself to be.
After an hour, he got up, unable to sleep and unwilling to lie there letting his mind wander. He checked the time. It was a few minutes after midnight. How many nights had he gone out for a midnight stroll? Too many, and this one, like the others, was all because of Kade.
If his brother had visited their mom and Peyton in a dream, why not him? Brodie needed his advice, counsel, and guidance more than ever.
Telling their mother Peyton needed him didn’t help. If it had even happened. It could’ve just been his mother’s mental state or whatever medication they had her on. But then, how did she know about him and Peyton? As far as she knew, he was only delivering Kade’s box of stuff.
Kade’s box of stuff. Maybe there’d be something inside to help him figure out his next move.
The box sat on the kitchen table all night and was still there when Brodie went downstairs the next morning.
“You takin’ that over to her?” Naught asked when he stopped in on his way to the vineyard.
“I told her I wouldn’t, unless she asked me for it.”
“Why’s it on the table?”
“I’m thinkin’ about looking inside.”
Naughton shook his head.
“Would it be wrong?”
“Can’t answer that.”
“What would you do?”
“Doesn’t matter. What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know. I thought maybe it would help me figure out what to do about Peyton.”
“Good luck.” Naughton slapped him on the back and left.
He needed it. He needed her. What the hell was he thinking, and why couldn’t he stop? This obsession was so unlike him. It would’ve been unlike Kade, too. They could both walk away and not think twice. Ultimatums never worked with him or his brothers, not that Brodie could see Peyton ever issuing one. It was likely one reason none of them were married. No one had been important enough to stay with when things got messy, or uncomfortable, or a woman wanted more than they were ready to give.
But Peyton? It was as though two atoms had collided when they met, and instead of bouncing off each other and spinning in different directions, they’d fused. They’d formed a new particle, and it was impermeable.
It was the same as when their bodies had connected and he said he’d make her his.
“If you’re sure you don’t mind, I could use another day out here, with Mom and the boys.”
Her dad kissed Peyton’s cheek. “I don’t mind at all. I’m enjoying myself. As long as I know it’s temporary, I love it. The idea of running the tasting room full-time never appealed to me, which is why I hired you thirteen years ago.”
Her father couldn’t stand the thought of being trapped inside. Weathered by the sun, his face was tan year-round, and if not for his full head of hair, he’d look older than he was. It was still almost completely blond with very little gray. He kept himself fit, in the same way her mom did. They were a beautifully striking couple.
“Are you going to Los Cab?” he asked.
“We are. I haven’t ridden in so long. I need it.”
“You used to ride every day when you were a teenager. Your mom and I hardly saw you, between that and surfing.”