Page 47 of Left Behind
“Cool down. I believe you. I’m just worried about you. This guy has been snapping your heart back and forth since you got there. I don’t trust him. That’s all.” I know Ashley means well but there’s no way to explain what’s going on between me and Zack. Our bond isn’t something I can put into words, so I wouldn’t expect her to understand.
“He’s going to be back any minute, Ash. Can I call you later?” I feel badly blowing her off, I don’t want to insult her, but I feel good for the first time in weeks, and I don’t want her to bring my head down.
The doorbell rings as I’m standing in my room smoothing my hair back in place. “Burgers, fries, and chocolate shakes.” Zack holds up two bulging paper bags when I open the door. “Aunt Claire would ban me if she knew. Actually, she’d probably ban me even if I were bringing in organic, free range tofu, if she knew what I was thinking about her niece.”
“What were you thinking about me?” It’s obvious from his tone, but I want to hear him say it.
Zack drops the bag on the table and pulls me into his arms. His eyes drop to my lips. “You want me to tell you?” he dares.
“Do I?” I ask coyly.
With a devilish smile on his face, Zack nods his head.
I swallow. “Tell me.” My voice is barely a whisper.
“I was thinking about what you taste like. The way you feel underneath me. The little sound you make when you start to come undone.”
I’m not sure if he hears it, but a barely audible whimper escapes my throat.
He kisses me. “Your Aunt Claire doesn’t come home until eight o’clock in the morning tomorrow, right?”
I nod my head. Unconsciously, I lick my lips.
Zack growls. He steps back and shakes his head. “Go. Eat. I’m going to throw some cold water on my face.” He heads toward the bathroom, mumbling. “Eat fast.”
I lie in bed still awake as the sun rises, replaying the whole night with Zack in my head. I don’t know how I’m supposed to fall sleep. A vision of Zack lying next to me in my bed, propped up on his elbow, flashes in my head.
“Are you a virgin?” He’d asked casually, while lightly drawing circles with his finger around my exposed belly button.
“Yes.” His finger stopped tracing its path momentarily. “Does that bother you?” I asked, curious at his sudden halt.
He didn’t respond verbally. Just shook his head slowly with a smile.
“So why did you hesitate?”
“I was taking a moment to thank God,” he responded with a wicked grin.
I’m not used to talking to boys about sex. Or anyone for that matter. Mostly because there was never anything to talk about. So it took me a few minutes to muster the courage to ask.
“Are you?” I almost felt stupid asking. He’d had a long term relationship with Emily and….well, look at him. A lot of girls throw themselves at a guy like Zack.
I was shocked when he nodded his head. “I know it’s hard to believe, since what girl could keep their hands off all my hotness, but yes, I am. And, I have to say, I actually don’t mind at all right now. I’m glad that we both are. If we decide we’re ready, it will make it that much more special.” I almost melted.
It’s not just our talking about sex and fooling around that keeps me awake, though. Although we did enough of both to keep my mind occupied for the entire day. Something bigger happened between us last night. More than an apology and an acceptance, we took a giant step forward. Agreeing to be open and honest, not hide the things that make us who we are. We connected in a way I’ve never felt with anyone before.
That’s why I feel guilty. I didn’t tell him about my sister. I wanted to. I really did. But the timing just never seemed right. I made him promise to be open and honest with me from now on, yet I’m still hiding my own secrets.
Chapter 31
Monday afternoon at school, Zack meets me at my locker before English class. The hallway is beginning to clear out as kids duck into classrooms before the bell rings. Two doors down from our room, Zack tugs my hand and pulls me toward the emergency exit, leading me under the staircase.
“What are you doing?” I giggle as he pushes me up against the wall.
“I’m getting you alone. This place needs more spots for privacy.”
“It’s a school, Zack. I don’t think they factored the necessity of places for privacy in when they built in.”
“Well that’s a shame.” He steps toward me, leaning one arm on either side of my head against the wall.
“We’re going to be late.”
“I don’t care. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about your mouth since I left last night.” His eyes drop to my lips. The bell rings but neither one of us attempts to move.
“My mouth?” I whisper, repeating his word on a pant, not really questioning.
A wicked grin on his face, he nods and moves closer. Our noses are almost touching. He lifts one hand and his thumb brushes my bottom lip. “These lips taunt me. Every time I close my eyes I picture them.” I suck in a breath. “I need to kiss you now. I wouldn’t have been able to wait two more periods until after school.” His mouth crashes down on mine and he kisses me. Really kisses me. I get so lost while he completely ravishes my mouth, I don’t even notice my books drop to the floor from my hands.
“Wow,” I say, breathless, when we finally break for air.