Page 46 of Left Behind
“Got it. Probation.” I tighten my hold around her waist, bringing her flush against me.
“I’ll support you however I can, but you need to work on you.”
“I will.”
“You better,” she glares at me and warns.
“But…can I start working on me tomorrow?”
Her eyes squint and brows draw down.
“Tonight I’d rather work on you.” I kiss her lips. “I want to show you how sorry I am.”
We alternate between kissing and talking for hours, it’s difficult to keep things from going further. But tonight is about moving forward. Together. Slowly. So I force myself to regain control every time I start to slip. It’s not easy.
Hours later, Nikki’s stomach growls as we lie side by side on the couch, her lips swollen from makeup kisses. “Hungry?” I chuckle.
She smiles. “A little.”
“What did you eat today?”
“The Tylenol you left.”
I draw my head back to see her full face. “You didn’t eat anything at all?”
She shakes her head. “I was too queasy.”
I slide out from alongside Nikki and lift off the couch. “Well let’s fix that. What’s Aunt Claire got in the fridge?” I head to the kitchen.
“Mostly healthy stuff,” she says without much enthusiasm.
“Are you sure Allie and your Aunt Claire aren’t related?” I yell with my head buried in the refrigerator. “You’ve got the same fake food in here that she eats.”
“Aunt Claire doesn’t even drink real milk. Almond or Soy.” Nikki comes up behind me and scrunches her nose.
“What time is it?”
She checks her cell on the counter. “Eleven thirty.” Something on her phone captures her attention.
“Everything okay?” I ask.
“Yeah. Just a few dozen texts from Ashley and some missed calls.”
“Something happen?”
“I don’t think so.” She scrolls through her messages. “I told her you were coming over and she just wants to check on me.”
I frown thinking of the conversation the two of them must have had with how I acted the last few weeks. “Sorry. She must be worried about you. Call her. Better Burger is open till midnight. I’ll get us some burgers and give you some time to talk to her.” I kiss her forehead before grabbing my keys.
“You sure?”
“Positive. What do you want?”
“Whatever. I’m easy.”
I arch my eyebrows and grin. Kissing her chastely on the lips, I walk out leaving my girl with a flush face.
Chapter 30
I slide down the wall to sit alongside the front door, listening to the hum of Zack’s Charger as it pulls away from the curb and sets out for Better Burger. My head is swirling, reliving each of the moments on the couch as I reach down to my jeans and pull out the note Zack handed me when he walked in. I forgot I’d even stuffed it in my pocket until now. My heart is racing as I open it. This little ritual with Zack has become something I so look forward to.
You make my heart pound with excitement.
My body tremble from your every touch.
My mind long for your every word.
I’m crazy about you.
Please forgive me.
I pinch myself because I’m sure it can’t be real. He can’t be real. I came to Long Beach to find a sister I never knew existed and I met a guy I’m crazy about. He’s not perfect. Heck, neither am I. We both have a ton of emotional baggage. But I feel the bond to him down deep in my soul. Fate had to bring us together.
Forcing myself from my Zack-induced fog, I pick up the phone to call Ashley. It buzzes as my finger hovers over the keypad. Ashley. Who else would it be?
“You’ve got great timing, Ash,” I say as I force myself to snap back from dreamland.
“I’ve heard that before. It’s just one of the few amazing things about your best friend. There are so many others.” Ashley laughs at herself.
“How are you?” she continues. “Did note guy re-break your heart over the last few hours? Because if he did, I’ll be putting out my thumb and hitching a ride with the next creepy trucker that passes on by this crappy little town. See what a good friend I am? I’m willing to risk being murdered by creepy trucker guy just to come kick mutant note boy’s ass if he hurt you again.”
She has a unique way of saying it, but her point is sincere. Ashley means it. She’d walk to California if she thought I needed her. “Just the opposite, Ash. Everything is great. We talked, he apologized and explained why he has been struggling and things are good. I feel like we’ve made a lot of progress. He’s here now. Well, not at the moment. He went out to get us burgers but he’s coming back soon. I’ve never felt like this with a guy before, Ash. Never. I can’t explain it.”
“Oh, no. You’re scaring me. This guy screwed with your head. Please don’t say you’re falling in love, Nikki. Love is dangerous and you’re not ready for it. You’re barely ready for a silly crush.”
Her words hurt me, make me defensive. “Like you’re so ready for it, Ash? Give me a break. You were in love four times last year and I put up with all of it. And this is different. So, so different. It’s real. Whether you believe me or not.” My tone lets Ashley know I don’t want her to tease right now.