Page 19 of Pucked Together
He glares down at me. His hands are at his sides, but they clench and unclench like I've struck a nerve. Good.
"Now, I work here. So you get used to it!"
I turn on my heel and head in the opposite direction without looking back. As I turn the corner, I catch a glimpse of him in my peripheral, still watching me.
I return to the arena and pull my camera case closer to my side. Ryker Balinger might be the most confusing person I've ever met. He seemed to be thawing his iciness towards me earlier today and last night. But now, he's back to frozen tundra mode.
I don't get it.
Keelan is coming off the ice just as I go down to where the team is gathered.
"Sizzler! Did'ya get it, girl?"
He pulls off his helmet and sets it on the bench.
I lift up my papers. "I got it!"
He smiles big and pumps his fist into the air. "Hear that, Houston? The Landrys are taking over!"
He high-fives me, and Hicks and Ferguson join him at the benches.
"Tonight, we celebrate. Izzy's the new team photographer." Keelan tells the guys.
"Way to go, Izzy!" Fergie gives me a fist bump.
"Drinks and dancing?" Hicks offers.
The three of them look at me with puppy dog eyes. "Okay, fine."
They all whoop.
"But just for tonight." I don't usually drink, but this definitely is a cause for celebration.
Balinger walks through the arena with his workout bag in tow.
"Yo, B," Keelan yells up at him. "Did you hear the good news?"
Ryker puts his cap on and tugs the bag closer to his body as he keeps walking like he didn't hear him.
What a jerk.
"He's not invited," I tell the guys.
"What's his problem?" Fergie asks.
"Eh, don't mind him," Keelan excuses him again. "Meet you back at home, Iz?"
I nod, and the guys head to the locker room excitedly.
I guess I'll need a new outfit for tonight. I walk out of the arena into the parking garage and reach into my bag for my car keys. Distracted, I hear someone say my name.
"Yes?" I turn around to see the last person I'd expect to see here.
"Hey, baby."
Chapter 6