Page 54 of Savage
“What the hell happened?” Grace murmured.
I looked down and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I’m not sure. Nancy showed me an article in the newspaper about us, and that’s all I know.”
“It was that asshole Parsons, he recognised Grace. And after he was fired, he spilt the beans to the newspapers. Guess Parsons thinks he got revenge. Phoe’s gunning for him, and she’s got Nigel on board. By the time Phoe and Nigel are done, Parsons won’t have anything left,” Drake explained, approaching. He eyed Nancy. “Has she left her knitting behind?”
“Fuck knows,” I admitted.
“Axel and Ellen are spoiling the girls. Do you have your house keys? I’m going to get Harley and Tye to fetch your shit from your house. Then you’re coming home with us. Dana has already contacted the SUV squad, so a distraction is being planned,” Ace said.
“Hawthorne in on that?” I asked.
“Yeah. He thinks that shit is funny,” Ace replied.
“I don’t understand,” Grace said.
“All the old ladies, the Hawthorne females, some of Delta Force, Juno Group, and Hawthorne’s drive Ford SUVs. They must fuckin’ fund Ford, I’m telling ya. When Dana needed to hide out, they flooded the streets with SUVs, and Dana and Ezra escaped in the chaos. Dana’s planning to do similar so we can hide at Reading Hall in peace. But even so, nobody will get past Liz and her team,” I explained.
“That’s like that scene in Fast and Furious but with black SUVs.”
“Exactly. The Hawthorne women have their names on theirs, but yeah, it’s funny shit,” I said.
“Everything was going so well.” Grace sighed.
“It still is. This is a blip, babe. Don’t let them pull you down,” I murmured as I rubbed her back. “I know it is mid-morning, but what’s the betting you’ve not eaten yet?”
“A good bet,” Grace replied.
“Then I need to get my girl fed. I’ll call down to Penny; bacon and pancakes on their way.”
I managed to get hold of a copy of the newspaper and nearly fainted at the gossipy report they’d printed. Speculation surrounded my relationship with Savage and its outcome. We were being painted as two damaged souls who might implode, and there were questions about us being able to live normally. I was angry, but not as much as Phoe, who’d called a reporter and released a statement.
I was watching the news as the girls played when Phoe appeared outside HQ.
“Be kind to one another. Isn’t that a movement you all pay lip service to? But nobody follows it because it’s fun to tear someone down. Nobody knows what really happened to Grace or Savage, but you all print rumours and lies and make up gossip. What’s wrong with two people in love? Nothing, except all you trolls out there can’t stand that. You hate people being happy because your own lives are sad and miserable. You can’t witness two people in love because you’ll never know it. You’re simply bitter and twisted. Shame on you.
“Savage and Grace are my family and are very much loved. Please rethink your ability to tear them down. You’ve got a hell of a lot of people to go through before you get close. So make up your false reports, tell your lies, spin your tales, we don’t care. Those who love them understand the truth. You will not hound these two into a tragic ending; we nor they will allow it. So, I suggest all you vultures, looking to derail their happiness and pick over their dead carcasses, pack up your stuff and leave. Because you’re the ones who should be ashamed, not them.
“There’s no misery here for you. Just joy. And to those trolls who I’m sure are waiting to fill their mouths with the next tasty morsel of gossip, choke on it. Yeah, Grace and Savage are together, and they’ll live many years together, secure in their love. You trolls will never understand that. And we at Rage pity you. Goodnight.”
“Wow, Phoe actually gave a statement,” Lindsey said.
“Phoe never goes on TV or speaks to reporters; it’s usually Sally who does that,” Ace added.
I understood what they were telling me. Phoe had put herself on the line; it should mean something. And it did.
I relaxed in Savage’s arms. Finally, we both experienced what a family should be.
The uproar didn’t die immediately, although it did slack off after Phoe’s statement shaming everyone. We could go home a week later, but hell did I enjoy myself at Reading Hall. At one point, I thought Phoe might end up with two more kids, as Isla and Harper fell totally in love with it.
I had been speaking to Rock and Apache about having the basement turned into an apartment for Earle, too. They came up with some plans, and I decided to have them do all the work simultaneously. Grace had been a little confused when I said I was moving our bedroom to the attic with a large bathroom for us. Plus, I was also adding walk-in closets and a seating area for Grace to relax in.
I was moving my office above the garage and turning the original office into a playroom for the girls and future children. And I was having a covered patio area built so we could grill outside no matter the weather. There were a few other plans, but I left them to Rock and Apache. I knew what I and Grace wanted, and she’d be happy no matter what.
Earle’s health was coming along well. I couldn’t get over how much my uncle had changed in the four weeks since his strokes. Earle spoke much clearer and in fuller structured sentences.