Page 53 of Savage
“Okay… excuse me, can I have your names?” Grace called.
“Savage on the phone?” a guy asked, and Grace said yes. “Savage, it’s Nando. We’ve got your woman. Meet you at Rage.”
I relaxed, knowing Grace was in safe hands.
“Cheers, brother,” I said and hung up.
“When you get to Rage, head to the rear wall. There’s a double gate there. Someone will open it for you,” I informed Nancy.
“Yeah, guess the shit’s hit the fan. Didn’t think you were in hiding, Savage. Nice to see you ain’t let what happened stop you living, son,” Nancy stated.
“How does Mike put up with you?” I asked.
Nancy snorted.
“Mike had his secret, fancy shed at the bottom of the garden where he keeps his cigars and good whiskey and plays poker games. And don’t deny it, Savage, because I know you’ve visited him a few times there!” Nancy retorted.
“Are you sure you’re tall enough to drive this? Ain’t there a height requirement?” I demanded again, and Nancy snorted.
“You are an asshole, Savage, but an okay one.”
Harley opened the gates, and Nancy drove through slowly and stopped. Everyone stayed inside until the gates were shut. There were fuckin’ reporters everywhere. The entrance to Rage was lined with brothers, stopping them from getting onto the forecourt. Apparently, Phoe was sending a security team to take over.
Paparazzi screamed questions at us as we had driven through, and I’d made Harper and Isla hide on the floor, so nobody snapped a picture of them.
As soon as the gates shut, I flung open the door and grabbed the kids. I carried them, one in each arm, and headed straight for the clubhouse.
There was a buzzing noise and a yell.
Axel stomped out. “Hell yeah, fuckers, can’t you read? The fence is electrified,” the big man boomed. “Fuckin’ idiots.” He turned to the girls and softened. “Hey babies, let’s get chocolate and ice cream,” Axel said, grabbing them.
Isla made wide eyes over his shoulder, but I laughed.
“Hey, Grandpa Axel,” Harper replied. “I can walk.”
“Yup, but I like carrying my grandbabies,” Axel boomed in return.
“When did we electrify the fence?” I asked Fish, who was laughing at another buzzing noise and a strangled shriek.
“Oh, a couple of months ago. Magic paid us a visit. Next thing the wall is zippidy zap,” Fish announced.
“Just the fence? Do we need to look for mines?” I demanded, alarmed.
“We kept a watch on Magic, he didn’t dig shit up,” Fish replied.
“Thank fuck.”
The gates opened, and a car drove in and parked next to Nancy’s Ranger. I realised I’d left Nancy in my hurry to get the girls safe, but she was quite happy chattering away to Harley, who seemed beleaguered.
Grace jumped out of the car and raced into my arms, and I caught her tightly.
“Thanks, Nando,” I said with a nod.
With Lucas behind him, Nando offered a chin lift back and headed into the clubhouse. I immediately disliked their appearance. Lean and ready for action, their whole demeanour was different. Losing Justin Goldberg had done a number on them. Both men appeared willing to kill a Venomous Fang without hesitation. It was a hard change from their previous law-abiding attitude. Now it was ‘fuck the law.’ Nando rarely smiled anymore, and I knew Dylan was worried about his cousin.
Lucas had shocked us all the other month when he put a bullet in someone’s skull and walked away without a backward glance. Even Ramirez had a darker aspect now.