Page 64 of Rage's Redemption
“She’s breathing, but it’s erratic, as is her pulse. Paramedics have been called.”
“Are you him? The boyfriend?” a child questioned from the opposite corner of the room. She was eyeing the three men with a tremendous amount of fear.
“Yes. Are you Madison?” Ezra asked, but his attention was focused on Dana. He moved forward slowly, frightened to touch her in case he hurt her. She was only wearing her underwear and was covered head to toe in bruises and cuts.
A ruckus at the door caught Ezra’s attention as a bitter voice called to him.
“I fucked her, and she screamed. Took her every hole, asshole. She’ll never get over that,” Duke crowed as Ace drew back his hand and pistol-whipped him.
Duke collapsed, and Ace and Apache picked him up and carried him out. Ezra didn’t even ask where they were going. Doors slammed, and a van sped off, but Ezra couldn’t tear his eyes from Dana.
His boots clumped on the floor, and he stormed across. He wanted to gather her up, soothe her hurt and pain, but there was nowhere on her body that wasn’t bruised or cut. Her face was so battered she’d almost be unrecognisable. His hands hovered over her, and a small hand touched his shoulder.
“Daddy didn’t rape her,” Madison said into his ear. “I stopped him.”
Shit, how did this child know that? She was nine, a young kid, and should never have been exposed to that type of knowledge.
“Thank you for saving her,” Ezra managed to say.
His throat was tight with unshed tears. He didn’t need a doctor to tell him Dana was in critical condition.
“She’s not woken up while she has been here,” Madison said.
“She hasn’t?” Ezra asked. Shit, that meant trauma to her brain.
“No, I saved some of my dinner for her, but she never woke up,” Madison replied. Ezra looked at the little girl next to him. Fuck, she was seriously underweight. Saving even part of her dinner was a huge sacrifice for this child. Ezra reached out and squeezed her hand.
“Shit’s gonna be okay now, kid,” he muttered as his gaze returned to Dana.
Was it him, or was her breathing slowing? Sirens screamed as an ambulance pulled up outside, and two paramedics raced into the room minutes later. Drake hauled Ezra back as he watched as they fought to save Dana’s life. It was reminiscent of Lindsey’s arrival on Rage, and Ezra was trapped between memories and the present.
They loaded Dana onto a stretcher and hurried her out. Ezra was on their heels as Madison clung to him.
“We’re coming with her,” Ezra stated to the paramedic. His tone allowed no room for argument.
“Stay out of our way,” the paramedic replied, recognising Ezra’s stance.
Ezra held Madison’s hand all the way to the hospital. This brave little soul had given him a chance to save his woman. Dana’s whereabouts would remain unknown to Rage if she hadn’t been there.
Chaos surrounded him, but Ezra sat silently in a chair. Madison sat beside him while Lindsey was on the other side. Ezra spoke when required. Other than that, he remained silent. He’d given Dana’s details, informed a doctor of what he knew, and then waited with Madison by his side.
Madison had been checked over and had created merry hell until Ezra had stayed with her. She was bruised, too, and seriously underweight, but she was otherwise healthy. Which was one relief for Ezra. Madison now sat quietly beside him, completely comfortable in his presence.
His head tilted when he heard Phoe arguing with a woman.
“And I said you’re not taking that child!” Phoe snapped.
“With her mother dead, father in the wind, and no other relatives, she has to go into care,” the support worker argued back.
“She’s staying with us!” Phoe nearly yelled. “And do not bullshit me that she won’t be safe. Don’t force me to make a phone call you won’t like!” Phoe narrowed her eyes. Only this time, it appeared she had met her match.
“Don’t try to bully me, Mrs Michaelson. I do indeed know who you are, but I cannot place a child with you because you’re rich,” the woman stated calmly.
“That’s not the point!” Phoe exclaimed, sounding insulted. Money was not an issue for Phoe when it came to getting their way.
“That very much is the point. Now, if we had a foster carer within the MC—”