Page 63 of Rage's Redemption
Ezra stiffened. This wasn’t Shania.
“Yes,” he said, forcing calmness into his voice.
“There’s a lady here. She has been hurt badly. She’s not opened her eyes all night,” the girl continued.
“Little angel, that’s my woman. She was taken against her will. Can you tell me where she is?” Ezra questioned, trying not to yell in his anguish. Dana hadn’t awakened!
“I’ll get in trouble if I do. Dad will freak at me again, and I don’t want to be hurt,” she whispered.
“Where is your father?” Ezra asked. He saw Drake move away and begin typing on his phone.
“Asleep. Dad was drunk but happy. He kept saying we were finally hitting it rich. I think it has something to do with this poor lady. Can you help her?”
“Sweetheart, tell me where you are, and we’ll come and get you both,” Ezra promised.
His heart was leaping, hoping that she would come through for him.
“Will you hurt me like he does?” the girl asked.
“Fuck no!” Ezra exclaimed.
The girl went silent, and for so long, Ezra wondered if she’d cut the line. Mac made a circling motion with his finger, telling him they were still connected.
“Madison, you little bitch, where are you? Come and get breakfast on!” Shania screeched from somewhere.
Before Ezra could comment, an address was spat at him, and the line went dead.
“Let’s ride!” Ezra demanded.
“Hold on,” Drake ordered on the phone himself.
Ezra looked at him in disbelief. Dana needed him, and Drake wanted him to wait. Like fuck. Drake’s glower stopped him in his tracks as he began to open his mouth. Drake would not wait if it was Phoe.
“Thanks, Leila,” Drake said and hung up. “Duke has a nine-year-old daughter. He was banned from seeing her, and custody was given to her mom. Duke beat the pair of them black and blue, and he ended up losing custody. Five months ago, the mother was savagely raped and beaten to death, and Madison disappeared. The police have been searching for Duke ever since.”
“Shit, and this asshole is alone with Dana?” Ezra asked. His feet were moving, and before anyone realised, he was on his bike and riding.
Ezra shot down the streets, ignoring speed limits as his urge to reach Dana and save her chewed his gut up. He was twisting himself with torturous visions as he sped towards Dana. His rage was surging, but nothing would ease that or the worry until he’d her in his arms again. Ezra parked around the corner to the address they’d been given and walked down the street. He wisely avoided parking outside. It would put Dana and Madison directly in the path of danger.
He stood behind a tree and observed the house. It was in a rough area of town, set back from the road and in a bad condition. The front yard was overgrown and full of crap, and there was a beat-up truck parked in a cracked driveway. As Ezra watched, he saw a woman’s figure pass by the window, but they were so dirty he couldn’t tell if it was Shania or not.
“Manny, Blaze, and Jett are covering the rear. Lowrider, Apache, and Ace are taking the side of the house that backs into that wasteland. Rock, Gunner, and I are kicking in the front,” Drake said to him.
Ezra nodded. He’d noted the bikes arriving as he’d watched. Although every nerve in his body had screamed at him to go barging in, he’d managed to control the urge. By doing so, Dana could be wounded.
“Fish and Texas are looking for Madison and Dana,” Drake added.
“Let’s go,” Ezra replied and marched up the path with Drake. Rock hauled Drake away and kicked in the door. It flew open, and a woman screamed. Men burst into the house, kicking down doors. The woman shrieked again and then fell silent. Ace, Apache, and Rock raced up the stairs as Texas and Fish began searching rooms.
Ezra followed the sound of the scream and saw that Manny had Shania firmly around the throat and was threatening her in a low voice. Gunshots came from upstairs, and there was return fire. A child screamed, and the hair on the back of Ezra’s neck stood up. In his search for Dana, he raced out of the kitchen and stumbled upon a hovel, but found no trace of her.
“Ezra!” Fish bellowed, and he ran up the stairs as Texas stepped out of a room. Ezra shoved past him and stopped dead.
Lying on the floor in a heap was Dana. She was deathly pale and covered in blood.
“Is she…?” Ezra was unable to finish the question.
Fish turned to him and shook his head while he answered questions on his phone.