Page 52 of Rage's Redemption
Plus, it worked.
Dana spun around and shucked her clothes before scrambling across the bed in her underwear. Ezra cursed that they were so tired. Her pert little ass tempted him, but he lacked energy.
Ezra dropped everything but his boxers and climbed in beside her. He swapped sides so he didn’t hurt her arm and tucked her in against him. Dana yawned, and Ezra dropped a kiss on her head and, within seconds, was out cold.
Who’d have thought bikers liked to spoon? I lay snug in Ezra’s embrace. Even in his sleep, Ezra avoided touching my painful shoulder. Quietly, I studied Ezra as he slept. He was beautiful awake, but asleep he was stunning. All the worry lines and tenseness faded away from him and left Ezra gorgeous.
He was hiding something, though. I knew Ezra well enough to know when he was avoiding telling me something. I wondered what the hell could have happened now. Whatever it was, was enough for Ezra to have had several secret phone calls, and he’d been sending sneaky texts.
I knew Ezra’s password and could look, but it would be a huge invasion of trust. I had to believe he’d tell me when it was time. Ezra wanted to protect me, but he had to learn I was an adult. Over the last few weeks, I’d began falling in love with him. It was too soon to tell him, but the emotion was there, and I recognised it in Ezra, too.
Ezra didn’t do anything without considering me first. Which was why I hadn’t pushed. My experience with the Hawthorne men taught me the art of timing—knowing when to push and when to hold back. This was a waiting period. When Ezra was ready, he’d tell me. But for now, I’d let Ezra distract me because whatever it was bothering him, he was protecting me. And I could allow him that.
I surprised myself with a yawn and nestling down against him. Then I closed my eyes and followed Ezra into sleep.
“Love you,” I murmured before sleep claimed me.
One day, I’d say those words to his face.
Chapter Eleven.
Fury leaned back in his chair and smirked at the picture in front of him. She was fucking beautiful. Of course, her beauty wouldn’t last long once his men had finished with her. But she was the key to setting Rapid City on fire. Hawthorne would not recover from her loss; it would break him and his men.
Fury slowly stroked a finger down the cheek of the woman’s photo. Oh, he could see the fire in her eyes, and he couldn’t wait to break it. She’d scream, and he loved a woman with fight inside her. It made breaking them all the sweeter. Fury was trying to decide exactly what to do with her.
Should he return her after he and his men had broken her? Watching Hawthorne suffer pain would be exquisite. Hawthorne would have to live the knowledge he had failed the bitch, and every day, as she flinched from any man, he’d feel that suffering. Or should Fury allow his guys to do what they wanted and kill her horrifically, scarring Hawthorne? Decisions, decisions, he thought to himself.
Fury stared at the photo again. Either way, Hawthorne would hurt, and so would his team. Even if they did track her down, they’d never be able to break the defences he had here. And she would die before they even breached his walls.
Fury made a snap decision; he’d return her alive. Let Hawthorne suffer the consequences of thinking he was untouchable. Fury would fuck the bitch for a week to break her in for his men. Then, he would tie her to a table and let his guys take her when they wanted.
He’d give her an hour a day to wash, piss, and eat and then back she’d go. Spreadeagled and naked, tied to a table with her cunt and ass wide open to any brother who wanted it. Fury’s men, like any good biker, had no trouble taking a woman in public, but it would break her. She would be vulnerable and helpless.
Fury felt his cock rise in anticipation. He wouldn’t take her after his men had; he never did. But he always broke them in. He licked his lips as he envisioned her screams and wails. Fury’s mind turned towards them dumping her back in Rapid City; he’d ensure she was naked for that, too. Perhaps his brothers could shove her from a vehicle during rush hour, increasing the number of witnesses and intensifying her humiliation.
Fury imagined Hawthorne breaking down when he found her battered, bruised, and clearly a cum bag for his guys. On the day they returned her, Fury would make sure each of his men had her so their cum ran down her legs and stained her body. Hawthorne would know exactly what had happened to her. Everyone would.
She’d have nightmares for the rest of her life. She’d never fuck a man again. Hell, Fury could even order one of his men to carve her inside, ensuring she didn’t. She’d piss blood for weeks.
Fury grinned as he saw Volcano pass through his office. His son had a twelve-inch dick. Asshole could have been a porn star. Fury imagined her screams as his son took her ass with no preparation. Volcano would tear her up big time. Fury unzipped his jeans; his hard-on needed attention. He let his mind wander as he imagined shoving his cock into that soft cunt. Oh yeah, his men were snatching her today, so he didn’t have long to wait.
After the fiasco at the cabin, I returned to work the next day after Ezra and I had caught up on sleep. Ezra hadn’t agreed, but I insisted it was what I needed. The vacation had been ruined, and just one day of sitting around had driven me insane. Despite one arm being in a sling, it didn’t mean I couldn’t do my job. Ezra had capitulated eventually. I knew he was hiding something still but was happy not to push Ezra with so much happening. The phone rang, and I picked it up, wincing as screaming echoed down the line.
“They’ve taken her!” Lina screamed.
“Who?” I asked, frightened.
“Marissa. Some bikers jumped out of a black van, snatched Marissa, and punched McKenna. Dana, I got the plate number. Quick, take it. You have to find her!” Lina shrieked.
Hurriedly, I scribbled down the information Lina gave me and told her to stand by.
Without hesitation, I hit the alarm button and raced through the adjoining door and headed up the stairs.