Page 51 of Rage's Redemption
Moments later, Dana poked her head out of the clubhouse and scowled. “Are you coming?” she snapped.
Ezra chuckled as she bristled, but he obediently trotted towards her.
“No idea?” Drake asked, four hours later.
Ezra had managed to keep Dana distracted with the old ladies and Hellions. He’d recruited his brothers to distract her from the fact he wasn’t taking her home straight away. Ezra was hoping that if he kept Dana here for two days, then the worst of the damage could be cleaned up. It wouldn’t be such a shock.
Ezra knew full well that Dana would find out sooner or later. But if he could mitigate the shock, he would. His next plan was to feign bone-weary tiredness and coax her to join him in his room. Dana needed sleep, too. She was injured, and he hoped she wouldn’t put up too much of a fight.
“None. Got a feeling it’s Dana’s family,” he replied to Drake.
“Hawthorne thinks the same. The house has an army cleaning that shit up. Summer is re-turfing the lawn; you won’t be able to hide that,” Drake said.
“Don’t plan to. I just don’t want her hit with all that ugliness. Dana loves her home. I ain’t letting some assholes take that safe space away from her,” Ezra answered.
“Dana will flip if you don’t tell her,” Drake warned.
“Told ya, brother, I’m going to tell her. Would you want Phoe to experience that ugliness? Or would you do your best to clean it up?”
“Yeah, okay, but Dana is stronger than you think. Be prepared for her to freak the fuck out and blame you.”
“Already am, but Dana won’t have that image in her mind,” Ezra retorted. “My girl’s seen enough dark.”
“Brother, you look dead on your feet. Go grab Dana and get some sleep,” Drake ordered as Ezra yawned and swayed.
“Good advice,” Ezra replied and stumbled towards Dana.
“Hey,” she said as he approached, smiling sweetly.
Dana had gotten checked by Doc Paul, who was happy with everything that had been medically done. He’d praised Ezra’s neat stitches, which had made Ezra admit he had taken special care and time as he hadn’t wanted to leave Dana with an ugly scar.
Doc Paul had rolled his eyebrows at Ezra’s explanation, but Dana had melted, and Ezra ended up preening.
“Babe, can we crash here? I can barely keep my eyes awake,” Ezra asked.
Dana opened her mouth to ask to go home. He was certain of it. But when he allowed the weariness he was feeling out, she closed her mouth and nodded.
“Come on, but I’m telling you, I hope your bed is comfortable,” she replied.
“As long as you’re with me,” he muttered.
“It’s mid-afternoon, I don’t know if I can sleep,” Dana admitted as they walked upstairs to his bedroom.
“You’ll love my bed,” Ezra said. “And I won’t be able to sleep without you. I’m kinda addicted to you, woman.”
Dana glowed under the compliment. Ezra led her to his room, and Dana headed for the bed and bounced on it.
“Oh wow,” she exclaimed and flopped backwards. “This is amazing.”
“I never scrimp on mattresses,” Ezra announced as he began undressing.
“The luggage is here!” Dana exclaimed, seeing their cases.
“Babe, please, for me. Just strip and get in bed, and don’t leave me,” Ezra almost begged.
Yeah, it was low, but he wasn’t above playing on Dana’s emotions.