Page 19 of Rage's Redemption
“Whatever the fuck you’ve been burying, it had better not be body parts! If someone digs them up, we’re going to have to cover you,” Ezra shot back.
“Don’t need anyone to cover for me. Besides, all body parts are buried out back. I do not go burying shit near public highways.” Magic sounded insulted and miffed.
“No?” Ezra challenged.
“No! I ain’t no amateur,” Magic snapped and gave Ezra a dark glare before stomping away.
“That went well,” Ezra muttered to me.
“Yeah,” I replied softly. I began to say something else, but a man stood in front of me.
“Holy shit, another Rage bites the dust. Hey, darlin’, I’m Inglorious. If you wanna take a biker for a whirl, why don’t you dump this reprobate and try me on for size?”
I nearly swallowed my tongue. It was clear Inglorious didn’t recognise me. He sent me a saucy wink as Ezra growled like a dog behind me.
“Touch my woman and die,” Ezra threatened, and Inglorious threw his head back and laughed.
“You can try, my man! Sweetheart, you are a beauty. You sure you wanna be with him?” Inglorious asked.
I noticed when the recognition hit.
Inglorious froze, and his smile faded, as did his teasing look. “Holy shit, you’re a brave man,” he muttered.
Ezra growled again.
“Hi, Inglorious,” I finally replied, greeting the President of the Unwanted Bastards.
“Hello, sweet Dana. I stand by what I said, though. If I’d thought you were interested in bikers, I’d have swept you up a long time ago. Why do these Rage pricks always have all the luck?” Inglorious complained.
“Because we treat a woman good,” Ezra shot back, and Inglorious chuckled.
“Thought nobody was meant to ride alone,” Inglorious challenged Ezra over my head.
“How you know I’m alone?” Ezra demanded.
“Ain’t no other Rage here.”
“Drake sent me. Everyone else was tied up.”
“And plus, your lady can shoot the shit out of anyone,” Inglorious stated with a wink.
That was correct, but it didn’t mean I liked it. I had a healthy fear of guns, but I was proficient in handling and firing them. Dylan had made sure of that.
“True,” Ezra said and held me tighter, as if he sensed my thoughts and wanted to reassure me.
“I’ll have two of mine accompany you back. It’s the least I can do,” Inglorious offered, waving a hand to stop Ezra’s refusal. “If anything happens to Dana, I wouldn’t like to see Hawthorne unleashed, nor his men.”
“Thanks,” Ezra replied.
“Come and join us. I wanna talk about what that crazy fucker is up to,” Inglorious said, tilting his head.
“Good luck,” Ezra muttered, and I agreed one hundred per cent.
Dana relaxed as the Unwanted Bastards made her feel welcome. She laughed at their antics, especially at Inglorious’s laments about finding a good woman before Rage.
It made him smile to see her hold her own, and it was obvious Dana was used to wrangling guys. Ezra realised that she must have her hands full with the Hawthorne’s team and gave her bonus points for lasting so long in her job. He noticed that she clearly cared for the men there, and that Hawthorne would burn the city for her. Hawthorne had made it very clear that Dana was always to be treated with respect, and he cared about her like she was a sister.