Page 18 of Rage's Redemption
“Welcome to my bar, woman. Glad to see you here, even if it is with this asshole,” Magic boomed and leaned forward. “Was that welcoming enough, or do I need to grovel on my knees before you think of payback for me?”
My laughter spilled before I could pull it back as Ezra chuckled.
Chapter Four.
It was hard to believe I was actually there, in Magic’s bar. The big man was legendary, even more so for when he blew up his compound to protect Alice.
Ezra was watching Magic as we chatted, and I noticed something was up.
“So, Magic, I was hearing shit,” Ezra said, and Magic straightened and sent him a dark stare.
“Oh, yeah?” Magic boomed as his eyes slid to the side before returning to Ezra.
“Yes. You been seen digging holes.”
Magic smirked at him, and I giggled as Magic winked at me.
“Sounds like fun. What am I putting in those?” Magic asked, crossing his arms.
“That’s what Drake wants to know,” Ezra shot back.
Magic boomed with laughter. “The little fucker sends a brother in to do his dirty work?” Magic demanded.
I blanched at the thought of calling Drake that.
“Drake’s preparing for war. I came instead,” Ezra retorted.
“We’re all preparing for war, boy!” Magic hissed.
“What were you digging, Magic?” Ezra asked with a sigh.
Magic took on an innocent air, which would have fooled anyone who didn’t know him. Ezra saw through it, and I was too accustomed to the Hawthorne guys to be fooled. I’d seen that expression countless times. Usually, when one of them had pissed off Dylan.
I snickered and earned myself another wink and a squeeze of Ezra’s arm.
“Don’t encourage him!” Ezra warned.
“Okay,” I whispered, enjoying the show.
Whatever Magic had been up to, he’d no plans to share with Ezra, and I wondered who’d win this showdown.
“Just tell me, and I’ll inform Drake,” Ezra said.
“Nope. If a man can’t dig in private, there’s something wrong with the world,” Magic stated, and I shook with laughter.
Ezra stiffened. “Dude, when you’re digging near public highways, the entire fuckin’ United States Marine Corps takes notice!”
“Can’t prove shit,” Magic retorted, sounding like a little schoolboy.
“You were seen!” Ezra exclaimed.
“By whom? I say they were mistaken.”
“Magic,” Ezra said, frustrated, and ran a hand over his hair.
“Ezra,” Magic replied innocently.