Page 24 of It Destroys Me
I curved my spine to sit up as far as I could, taking deep breaths as I adjusted to the tree trunk that fully occupied my channel. He opened me as far as I could go, showed me just how much my little slit could take.
His hands balled into fists on either side of me, and he started to thrust, pounding into me as I lay still, his hips clapping against my ass cheeks. It wasn’t gentle the way it’d been the night before. When he’d walked in the door tonight, all he wanted to do was fuck me—and fuck me hard.
I breathed and winced and moaned, cycling between the pleasure and the pain, turned on by his size one moment, then barely able to tolerate it the next. But I didn’t dare complain because I loved that dick, no matter how much it hurt.
His breathing picked up as he enjoyed it, ignoring my winces because he didn’t give a fuck at the moment. “I’ve been thinking about this pussy all fucking day.” Just when I thought he couldn’t move faster, he did, balls tapping against my body with his thrusts, treating me like one of the whores who was paid to take it without complaint.
I moaned and grunted, feeling my body shake as he rammed into me hard.
“Too much dick, sweetheart?”
At this angle, it was so much more, so much fuller, so much deeper. My eyes started to water because it was so much. “No—no.”
“Attagirl.” Turned on by my answer, he gave his final pumps and finished, filling me with a load of hot seed. He gave the sexiest moan, a bear on top of me, pressing me deeper into the mattress as he claimed my pussy the way a conqueror claimed a land. When he was finished, he pulled his semi-hard dick out of me.
I took a deep breath when my pussy finally had room to relax.
He rolled me over again, getting me on my back before he scooped his arms underneath my thighs and opened me wide before placing a hard kiss right against my clit.
I inhaled a breath so big, my whole back arched toward the ceiling.
He kissed my clit hard, sucked it into his mouth before he gave it a bite.
“Fuck…” I closed my eyes as I fisted his hair through waves of pleasure the size of a tsunami. I’d been dead asleep when this man had come into my bed and ravished me like he hadn’t had me in weeks rather than a day. He dominated me before I opened my eyes, and it reminded me of the way it used to be, when he asked me to stay with him as long as I could, when he wanted me in his bed day and night. When all he wanted was me, and no other substitute would do. With my nails deep in his scalp, I came with new tears and moans, grinding my aching clit harder against his face as I rode the high and came back down again.
When it was over, I was utterly spent, like I’d lifted a boulder and carried it up a mountain. My eyes closed and I lay there, catching my breath and relaxing as I simmered in the lingering pleasure.
He moved over me again, his massive size making the mattress dip once more. “I gotta fuck this pussy again.” His hand gripped the back of my head harshly, and he tugged at my scalp as he guided himself inside me. I was slick from his kisses and his seed and my arousal, so he slipped in much easier than last time. He pushed himself deep inside as he folded me underneath him, claiming me once more with his powerful thrusts.
Chapter 5
My sleep had always been irregular. Had been that way since I was a kid. Genetic insomnia. So, I got up early, even after just a few hours of sleep, and I hit the weights before I went to my study.
Most of my job was telling people what to do and reminding them what would happen if they refused. But I had to do other parts of the job I didn’t care for, like bookkeeping. I used to have an accountant recommended by another nefarious character, but when I discovered he was skimming euros off the top, I had to break both of his legs. I should have killed him, but I thought recovering from a severe disability was more painful. Last I heard, he’d left the territory and moved to Paris.
So, I used my study to do the books, keeping track of every dollar spent and every dollar earned. It was boring as fuck and not my thing, but I noticed I didn’t have a single problem with any of my guys afterward. I had a more intimate understanding of my business than anyone else, so I knew my shit.
Instead of looking at the open laptop on my desk, I looked at the painting across the room. Stared at it for minutes at a time. Got lost in the disturbing beauty. Remembered the afternoon I’d bought it with acute clarity.
Then she walked in wearing little jean shorts and a white camisole, her long hair like a curtain of silk, her face free of makeup because she’d skipped it that morning. Her eyes were somehow more stunning without eyeshadow and mascara. When I’d stared at her across the restaurant dressed in her finest, I’d wanted to fuck her brains out, but when she looked like this, I desired her just the same.
Her eyes met mine, and there was a moment of hesitancy, like my presence intimidated her. Even after all this time, after all we’d been through together, she still hesitated around me.
She was barefoot as she entered, dressed for the day but without anywhere to go. Her hair was tucked behind her ear on one side and fell free on the other. She approached my desk but stopped before she came into contact with it. “Good morning.”
I didn’t say it back.
“You were up early.”
“I don’t sleep well.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” She looked out the open window behind me to the view outside. Her gaze stayed for a few seconds before she looked at me again.
I didn’t know what she wanted, but I suspected she had a reason for being there because she didn’t come into my study often. She kept herself busy in her room before she went to work.