Page 23 of It Destroys Me
“He’s probably here more for you than me.” I turned back to her. “I’ve got a target on my back these days.”
“I’m sure Axel asked.” She grabbed her coat from the back of the chair. “Should we go say thank you?”
As always, butterflies the size of dragons erupted in my stomach. Whenever my eyes found his, I felt the simmer deep in my stomach, felt the numbness in my fingertips. Bolton used to have that effect on me when we first met, but that quickly wore off. I suspected it would never wear off with Theo. “Sure.”
We crossed the restaurant and approached the guys, their empty plates still on the table because the waitress hadn’t come by to clear them. But their glasses were full of booze instead of wine, with big square ice cubes.
Theo’s eyes shifted to me when I drew close. Not once did he look at Scarlett, like she wasn’t even there.
“The waiter told us some prick picked up the bill,” Scarlett teased.
His eyes stayed on me for another second before he finally looked at her. “Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“Yes—and the wine,” she said. “I drank too much, and now my milk is going to taste like a cocktail.”
“I’m sure Axel will enjoy that.” His gaze turned back to me, steady and calm like the ocean at dawn, smooth as glass. His eyes were like dark coal from a mine, dark like the earth after a short rain. “Would you like to join us, sweetheart?”
There was no place to sit, so I imagined my ass would be parked in his lap. “It’s okay. I’ll see you back at home.”
He rose from the table and silently excused himself from the guys. His arm automatically slid around my waist, and he walked me to the entryway and then onto the sidewalk. The guys in the vehicle must have been watching because they pulled up to the curb without his having to call. He opened the back door and let Scarlett climb in first, his eyes on me instead of her ass as it peeked out from underneath her dress. I wasn’t sure if it was a sign of respect to me or Axel, but I suspected he wouldn’t have looked even if I weren’t there. His arm squeezed my waist as he brought me into him. He placed a kiss on my mouth as his big hand gripped my ass and squeezed.
I loved it when he grabbed my ass.
Wordlessly, he pulled away and waited for me to get into the car.
I climbed into the back seat, disappointed by the growing space between us.
Then he shut the door and knocked his fist on the front window, telling the guys to drive off.
We pulled away from the restaurant, and I watched him through the window as long as I could, watched him return through the door and head back to the table where the guys were waiting.
“Girl, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
I turned back to her in question.
“An ass-grab is as possessive as it gets.”
I didn’t know when he would be home, so I went to sleep. After waiting up for him for most of the night and being dead tired the next day, I realized I couldn’t do that regularly. His schedule was unpredictable, and I should just accept that. When I’d stayed over for the weekend in the past, he’d seemed to make an exception to his routine to accommodate me.
I woke up when I felt the cold air hit my skin. The bedding had been pulled off me, and the hairs on my arm immediately stood on end. I absent-mindedly reached for the sheets again, but instead, I felt hard stone.
My eyes opened, and I saw the darkness above me, the eyes that mirrored the underworld. The hardness my hand felt was a chest carved out of stone, warm from sitting in the sun all afternoon. Before I could speak or move, I was turned over, landing on my stomach with my hair in my face.
Then I felt his weight on top of me, felt the mattress dip in the center from both of our bodies. He yanked up my t-shirt to expose my lower back then pulled down my thong. Not all the way, just to the tops of my thighs.
I breathed as I lay there, feeling him take over and command my body as his. I lifted my head and felt my hair fall away from my face.
Instead of the pressure of his big head trying to ram inside me, I felt the warmth of his fingers as they slid between my folds and moved deep, penetrating me.
I inhaled a deep breath in surprise.
He pulsed inside me, prepping me for the log that would follow. His fingers curled to feel my wall, to soak in the slickness that started to ooze from deep inside.
Still half asleep, I lay motionless and breathed, aware of his massive size on top of me like a mountain overlooking a valley.
He withdrew his fingers then smeared them over his length, lubing his head with my arousal. He positioned himself at my entrance and gave a hard push to break through the tightness at my entrance. It made me dip into the bed as I gave a muffled cry. When the worst of the discomfort was over, he sank the rest of the way, slowly entering my depths as he was squeezed by my tightness and eased by my slickness.
He only stopped because he had nowhere else to go.