Page 95 of Protective Heroes
He stepped into the space.
“If it isn’t the douche-bag,” Ford drawled.
Lincoln took a threatening step toward him. Allison thrust out both hands as if to hold them off.
“No trouble in here, guys.”
Lincoln glared over her head at Ford. The man wrapped his hand around her wrist as a lover might right before he pinned her on the bed.
“Get your hand off her.” Lincoln barked the order. As he was a superior officer, Ford had to obey him.
Yet he didn’t.
“You’re out of conduct, private.”
Ford gave him a slow smile that had no joy in it at all. “This is my private space where I’m being examined by my nurse. I think it’s you who’s out of conduct.”
“Stop, it, guys. You’re both healthy—neither of you need medical care. Now why don’t you go back to your duties?” A desperation sounded in her voice, but when she looked at Lincoln, her voice hitched enough that he knew she was affected by him.
Lincoln wrapped his hand around her other wrist and lightly tugged her in his direction.
“Both of you stop before I call security. I’m sure neither of you want to be written up for this!” Her eyes shot sparks and her hair was slowly trickling free of her bun. More tendrils floated around her face. God, what he wouldn’t do to cup her beautiful face and tip her mouth up for his kiss and then spread her over his cock.
Again and again.
But it was more than just sex with her. He knew it just like he knew if Ford put another hand on her, the last thing he would worry about is being written up.
Ford took her hand and drew it down to touch his chest. She gasped and wrenched away from both of them, putting several feet of space between them all, but it was a mistake.
It gave Lincoln a clear shot at Ford.
“I think the nurse is right. You’re healed,” Lincoln bit off.
“I’ve got six weeks of light duty.”
“Then I’d suggest you go do it before I tell your CO.”
Ford gave a wide grin, which he turned onto Allison. She flushed to the roots of her hair and glanced away. Lincoln’s chest burned. Did she find this asshole attractive? Maybe something was going on between them.
Damn, he was a fool.
But a fool who wasn’t about to give up. He hadn’t seen someone like Allison in—well ever. She was special, feminine, smart and had a soft touch that reached deep into a man and grabbed him by the heart.
Apparently he wasn’t the only one who felt this way, though.
But I’ll be the last, dammit.
He and Ford glared at each other until a noise brought their heads up. Allison had left the space and returned with the security she’d threatened them with.
“Is there a problem, soldiers?” the man said in a hard voice.
Allison stood with hands on her hips, looking about to throttle them both. Damn, she was so damn cute and fuckable it hurt his heart and dick.
Too bad Ford had that smitten look on his face. Lincoln was about to knock it off for him.
“Is there a problem, soldiers?” the security guard repeated in a harder tone.
“Guys.” The soft pleading in Allison’s tone broke the moment. Lincoln looked into her eyes. “I’ll see you in two days, Allison.” He looked to the guard. “For stitches removal.”