Page 94 of Protective Heroes
“Ah. Gotcha.” Something about his rough tone drew her gaze to his. A hard throb of her heart and she was lost hopelessly in his eyes. Feeling as if she were driving a fast car and losing control.
“Allison. Do you ever go by Alli?”
She shook her head. Unaware that she’d drifted closer to him until he reached out and caught a loose tendril of hair that always escaped her bun and floated around her face. He rubbed it between his fingers, and her body reacted as if he’d stroked her straining nipples.
She issued a quiet noise.
“Go out with me, Allison.” His dark, promising tone, his scorching gaze and the way he lightly tugged at her hair all threatened her sanity. “I promise a night you won’t forget sweetheart. More if one date won’t be enough for you either.”
The hot soldier had barely whispered but she heard the hot, scorching promise of panty-melting sex in his words all the same.
His eyes held hers.
Before she could say something she’d regret, she stepped away.
Good thing too, because at that moment Jessy poked her head around the curtain. “Someone is requesting to see you, Allison.”
“Thanks, I’ll be right there.” She gave Lincoln a look. Jessy disappeared again. “Your foot is fine, Private First Class. You can just come in for your final scheduled appointment to have the stitches removed.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but she didn’t want to know what else he’d say or do to get her to go out with him. She rushed from the space and into another.
Where she came face-to-face with Private Ford. God, these soldiers were going to kill her this week. He was tall, his hair freshly cut. Where the hair had been above his ears there were small white slivers of skin.
He was shirtless.
Gloriously so.
Her gaze traveled over broad shoulders and rounded pecs down to the speed bumps of his abs. At the bottom where his fatigue pants hung low on his hips was a small white bandage where they’d removed his appendix.
“You’re doing well, I see,” she said breezily. He was a beautiful man, and she was a woman. Of course, she was going to look. But not act.
“Hello, Nurse Allison. I wondered if you could take a look at it for me and make sure there’s nothing wrong?”
She skipped her gaze up to his face, which was as much of a mistake as staring at his abs. He was tanned to a golden brown, his nose straight and a small scar running through his brow. Below his brows was a pair of bright blue eyes. Bright with interest, that was.
She moved closer to him. Touched his bandage at his waist. When she began to pull the tape free, she shot a glance up at him to make sure she wasn’t hurting him.
“What do you do in your free time?” he asked in a deep rumble.
She bit her lower lip. “Umm, I don’t have much of that to be honest.”
“Too much work and no play for a lovely woman like you?” He shook his head and made a noise of distress.
She freed the edge of the bandage and slowly removed it. He didn’t wince, and why should he? It was only a little tape and he’d likely been through a whole lot of hell just in training.
“Will you go out with me, Allison?”
A growl sounded from behind her, and she whirled to see Lincoln glaring from around the white curtain.
Walking in and seeing Allison so close to that asshole Ford—bent down on a level with his groin—shook Lincoln to the core.
Why, though? He and Allison didn’t know each other, but ever since he’d set eyes on her he’d known he wanted more, even despite the pain he’d been in. And now he was in another sort of pain, a hollow, aching pain that ripped him up.
And made him want to punch Ford’s teeth out and put him in another wing of the hospital.
Away from his Allison.