Page 91 of Protective Heroes
A few grunting noises and the door flew open. A tall man came in, doubled over and holding his stomach.
“This room’s taken, man,” Lincoln said.
“Fuck off,” the guy said.
Lincoln recognized that voice. “Ford?”
His friend raised his head and gave Lincoln a long, angry stare that told him the grudge between them wasn’t ended just because they were in the same room together.
A week ago down at Walker’s, they’d learned they’d both fucked the same woman, and it wasn’t the first time this had happened. Their tastes ran the same, and Lincoln was getting damn sick and tired of it. He and his buddies might share the battlefield, but he drew the line at sharing pussy.
If Lincoln’s foot weren’t out of commission, he would have jumped off the table and had a go at the private. “Why don’t you fuck off instead?”
“I’m looking for triage. Can’t you see I’m in pain here, douche-bag?”
“Whoa. Who are you? You look to be in pain.” His Allison was suddenly back, hurriedly whipping back the adjoining curtain to reveal another bed. As she wrapped her arm around the guy’s shoulders and assisted him, Lincoln narrowed his eyes. Jealousy was rising like a green fog inside him.
She hadn’t helped him. He’d only had Max, and the guy had body odor.
“Ford, Ellis. I think I have a fever.”
“Lie down and let me see.” She ignored Lincoln in favor of a fever? He was bleeding out here. She hurriedly grabbed a thermometer and took Ford’s temperature. “Yes, you do have a fever of 101.3. What’s hurting you?”
“Stomach. Has been since yesterday, but after breakfast it was real bad.”
“Anyone with a brain knows to avoid the ham,” Lincoln grumbled.
They both shot him a serious look.
“I haven’t eaten for...two days. Excruciating pain.”
Allison pressed her palm to his forehead and looked into his eyes. “I’m getting the doctor right now.”
On her way past Lincoln, she skimmed her fingers over his arm, right down to the back of his hand. Her ticklish touch twisted his insides up, and his cock throbbed despite the pain in his foot.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” she said to him, and he hoped like hell it was to take Ford out so they could be alone.
A second later a doctor came in, followed by another one. They checked out Ford, said things like rapid breathing and pulse, and wheeled him out, bed and all.
“What the hell’s the matter with him?” Lincoln asked Allison, who looked torn between staying and going. No matter what the beef between them, he didn’t like seeing Ford in pain.
“We won’t know until we run some tests, but I’d take a guess at appendicitis.”
Lincoln released a whistle. “Poor bastard. But what about me?”
“Oh I’ll find you another doctor to do the stitches. Give me another minute.” This time when she passed him, she didn’t stroke his arm. But she did give a little ass wiggle as she disappeared through the door whether she knew it or not.
Damn, he was going to have to break his own rule by hitting the bar and picking up one of the Army skanks who hung around there if this continued. He had a terrible case of blue-balls, and there was only one treatment.
A one-night stand would be more his speed than a dinner and movie, though. He wasn’t a man to be tied down to one woman, especially when he could be sent back to Afghanistan at the drop of a boot.
When Allison came back, she seemed flustered. She buzzed around the room, grabbing everything from warm blankets from a unit in the wall to some vials of something from a locked cabinet. She stuck the cluster of keys back into her pocket and met his gaze.
“The doctor’s on his way but I’m supposed to prep you.”
“Prep away, sweetheart.”
She shot him a look, and he saw she was more frazzled than he’d originally thought. Seeking to ease her, he smiled.