Page 90 of Protective Heroes
“Yeah, when I entered basic and another round of shots when I went off to Afghanistan.”
“Good, because it will be one less thing I’ll have to do to hurt you. Hold onto something, Soldier. I have to clean this out.”
The second the antiseptic wash hit Lincoln’s wound, a hiss of pain left him.
Fuck that burns like a mother.
He clamped it off—no way was he going to wimp out at a little scratch like this. And definitely not in front of a beautiful little nurse with the sweetest ass in scrubs he’d ever seen. Nurse Allison had the blood that wasn’t in his boot shooting straight to his cock. If asked he would freely admit to being swollen and dripping precum the second she strutted her cute little ass in front of him. Blue scrubs did everything for all those delicious curves.
To distract himself from the blistering pain in his foot, he focused on the top of her head. Thick brown hair with golden highlights that appeared to be natural, a kiss from the sun. Her hair parted on one side, and something about the line of vulnerable flesh of her scalp switched on his protective instinct. And the need to have all that hair in his hands.
Not to mention the way she bit her lip, smashing that soft, plump flesh...
Fuck me.
Damn, he couldn’t get a woody while she probed at his cut. What would she think if she noticed?
She issued a quiet noise.
Dammit—he could and would get hard.
“Am I hurting you?” she asked.
“Hell yeah,” he answered gruffly.
“I’m sorry. I need to see what we’re dealing with here. It hasn’t gone deeper than the subcutaneous layer.”
He let his head drop back. “I take it that’s a good thing.”
She flashed him a smile that instantly stretched his cock to full length. God, she was a damn beautiful woman. And she was holed up in this building all day seeing to soldier’s injuries? A sweet little thing like her should be sitting back with a cool drink in her hand, being pampered.
By him.
Morning, noon and night.
She straightened and looked him right in the eyes. “I’ll just bandage it to stop the bleeding then call in the doctor to stitch you up.”
“You won’t leave my side, will you?” He gazed deeply into her eyes.
“We’re required to remain to assist the doctor.” Blue eyes, as clear as the midday sky.
“Good.” He flexed his foot, and blood trickled down his instep.
“Don’t move while I get it bandaged, okay?”
He watched her bustle around the small room gathering supplies. Every step made her ass jiggle deliciously and he didn’t let his eyes miss anything.
She came back with a roll of gauze and some small scissors. A silver tray, which she set several items on that the doctor would use to stitch him.
“I promise to get some pain meds into you as soon as I call for the doctor. I’ll be just a minute.”
“A minute’s too long,” he said, thinking of her being out of his sight for more than ten seconds.
Her brows drew down, two delicate sweeping arches that met over her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’ll be just a minute.”
She left the room, and he watched her go, latching his attention onto her tight ass in scrub pants.
“Helllloooo, Nurse!” he said under his breath and situated his hard dick a little better. He didn’t usually go after women on base. It was too much of a hassle when he ran into them after a one-night hookup. He didn’t even dip his wick into the waters at Walker’s, the local bar where he and his buddies hung out. But for Allison, he might make an exception.