Page 5 of Forbidden Heroes
He’s up against me now and has my arms in a death grip. Ironically, the same one that earned him a full football scholarship.
Through the reflection of a car window I catch a spark of something in Thomas’ eyes. I guess being told no when you think you’re king has a way of rubbing a bloated ego the wrong way.
He hisses out his anger, but I push toward the pub door.
Before I can get a few steps from him, I feel a steel band claim my arms and clamp down. One hard tug and he pins me against the cold, hard metal of a nearby truck.
“Stop being a dick tease and let me show you a good time. C’mon, baby, show a little appreciation. I could have anyone and I want you. Most girls would love to suck this. What’s wrong with you?”
Thomas dry humps me, grabbing his bulge and squeezing. It takes several deep breaths to squash the bile that burns the back of my throat.
Good question. What is wrong with me? Why I am not screaming bloody murder or greeting his balls with my knee yet is what he should be asking. Maybe it was my upbringing or because of my upbringing I show more patience than the situation calls for.
That is about to change.
I shove my free hand out trying to push past him but he only tightens his hold on my other arm.
I narrow my eyes at Thomas and shove aside the fact that my cheeks burn as other students walk by unwilling to challenge the all-too-popular jock. I mean, how blind can they be? But no. God forbid they make him angry. “You need to grow a brain—I said no! Like a hundred damn times, get a fucking clue!” I shove at his chest but he only laughs menacingly.
Normally I don’t take the violent route, but while he’s laughing his hold slips. I cock back and strike, palm out just like Rosa’s brother taught me back in high school.
A cool gust of air ruffles the fringes of my dress, causing me to shudder. Or it could have been the crack of the douche’s nose breaking.
Either way Thomas falls back, stunned, but not for long. Holding his nose, he gives a humorless laugh. “You stupid little cock-tease! Strutting around in your skimpy fuck-me dresses and skirts all the time,” he growls. “You want me to hike that hem up and drive my dick in and teach that pussy what a real man is. Come on, I like a little fight in my women. Gimme what I want.” Knuckles crack against my cheek and while caught off guard, he snakes an arm around my waist and drags me against him.
Boys like Thomas don’t scare me. They only serve to piss me off. How many times have I had to fight off my mother’s beaus? Too many times. Something a little girl should never have to deal with but my mother was too blind or too uncaring to notice the bruises on my arms. No one ever touched me, though. I always found a way to protect myself. Tonight is no different.
I raise a knee and land that sucker right where it does the most damage.
If the broken nose didn’t open his ears, I know he’s hearing me now.
“I fucking said no, perv. Now get the hell away from me.” I seethe with rage and growl out my every last word loud enough for everyone passing to draw up short.
Good. Let them watch.
Pain seizes his arrogant expression and contorts the little pretty boy face of his, and I feel oddly satisfied, knowing he is clutching his junk for all the wrong reasons. As he hunches over at my feet, I take a couple of heartbeats to watch the blood drain from his face.
Across the way I notice his buddies making their way toward us.
The heel of my flats crunches in the loose gravel as I turn to walk away, leaving Thomas trying to stand.
I take no more than three steps before I hear it. A whoosh and a heavy thud. Beside me the truck rocks and for a second I think the big badass jock has passed out from the broken nose or pain of having his balls shoved into his stomach, but no such luck.
No, the scene that plays out in front of me is so much better.
I’m not sure what happened in the two seconds it takes me to turn back around, but the blood smeared down the truck’s door and the instant bruise on Thomas’s face is a shining clue.
Roars and cheers erupt over the crowd and they start to chant the professor’s name. Thomas’s friends are nowhere to be seen.
Of course.
“You like a little fight in your women, huh? How do you like it now?” Professor Elliot is bent down next to Thomas, who is now on his knees still clutching the remains of his dick and balls but looks like he went a round with a bull and lost.
The only response Thomas has is a girly groan.