Page 4 of Forbidden Heroes
Rosalee wags a finger in my direction and purses her lips. “I see your mind working. You’re thinking about it, aren’t you? All you have to do is work your sexy magic and you’ll have both men falling for you for a little spring break fun.” Rosalee shimmies her shoulders and pouts her perfectly painted lips Marilyn Monroe style.
I reach up and tap my chin with my index finger. “You think?” I half ask in a hushed tone, contemplating my options, as limited as they are at the moment.
Me sexy? Sure, the whole younger student and older professor taboo is not lost on me, but those fanciful illusions were better reserved for all the pages of Rosalee’s romance books she likes to devour like fine chocolate and wine.
Give me a murder mystery any day and a long bubble bath. I guess what I’m trying to say is I live in reality.
Almost seemed laughable what people conjured up. I turn my head and raise my eyes to chance a quick glance in their direction. My chest tightens and my breath catches. My gaze locks with two men and the intensity can be felt across the entire pub as if they are standing in front of me.
My body tingles and I can feel the private message in their gazes as my professors share a moment with me. I never knew such dark, piercing eyes could be so expressive.
My pure primal, feminine side stirs and I’m certain there’s something deeper in how they look at me.
And then it’s gone. The connection breaks and they return their eyes to their whiskey and notes.
I sense a presence come up beside me before a hand comes down on my bare shoulder and I tear my eyes away.
Instant irritation swells in me and I swat Thomas Cane’s hand away from my shoulder and glower up at him, scooting out of his reach.
“Hey, Emberly. You up for a quick game of cat?”
“Find someone else to play your pussy games, Cane,” I shoot back, not paying him any more attention than I have to. Thankfully he gets a clue and slinks back to his friends a few tables away.
I take a quick look at my watch as I signal for the check. “Hey, isn’t your brother supposed to be here any minute?”
“Oh, shoot yeah.” Rosalee sends me an apologetic smile and grabs my hands from across the table. In a low whisper, she asks, “Are you going to be okay?” I know she’s referring to Cane.
I nod. “Yeah, I’m going to spend my spring break with my nose in the books. Have fun and hug your momma tight for me.”
“Sure you don’t wanna come? You know there’s always room for you. The boys would love to see you again. Come on, the books can wait.” By boys she means her older twin brothers who made breaking hearts into an Olympic sport. And, who also enjoyed a little harmless flirting with me every chance they find. I make it a habit of not giving them many opportunities. They are nice, but they just don’t do it for me on any level.
I shake my head and motion her on. “Stop worrying. Come on, let’s go. I’ll walk you out.”
Outside Maine’s form of spring weather chills my skin, but I welcomed the crispness as it helps clear my clogged brain. Rosa’s brothers pull up in the dark parking lot as we exit and as Rosa slips into the back seat, my friend takes my hand before I can close her door. In a low voice, she whispers with a wicked glint in her eye that tells me where her thoughts are.
“Remember what I said. You only live once. I’ll see you soon, okay? Text me and I’ll do the same. Hopefully, you’ll have something exciting to share. Wait, do you want a ride back to the apartment? It’s dark out and I don’t think you should be out here.”
“Nope. Now go. The walk will help clear my head of your bad influences. Besides, how many times do we walk home a week? I’ll be fine.”
Rose sighs. “Fine, have it your way.” With a small laugh, my best friend is off with her family, leaving me to my thoughts.
I turn in the opposite direction toward our apartment. Before I get past the pub’s parking lot, I’m brought up short when a heavy hand claps down hard on my bare shoulder again.
This is getting old. Fast.
“What the fuck?” Anger and surprise shoots a snarl out between my gnashed teeth as another hand wraps around my upper arm.
Though it’s dark I angle my head back to see the disgusting snide smile of Cane pointed back at me.
I thrash against him and try to break his hold on me but it’s no use. “Back the hell off, Thomas,” I spit and tug my arm one more time, stumbling a few steps.
Righting myself, I put more distance between myself and the jock who smells one beer away from a full keg. “Get lost already. Don’t you know when to fold your hand and walk away?” I sound more confident than I feel. And apparently, he didn’t understand the English language. I stumble back and realize we’re getting deeper into the dark parking lot and no other soul is out here.
The douche bag quarterback trails behind me as I do a hard left and try to make my way back to the pub. No way I’d try walking home alone now.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going? We have a date.”