Page 19 of Falcon (Trinity Academy 1)
“I have her. Go help Lake.” The words sound weird as if it’s not my voice leaving my lips.
As Mason rushes toward the doors, I loosen my hold a little, so I can move around Layla. Tilting my head to the side, I try to get a better look at her, but her hair is a mess and hiding the left side of her face.
“What happened?” I ask, and bringing a hand up to brush her hair out of the way, I freeze when she flinches.
The severity of the moment hits me right in the gut, making it feel like my breaths are getting stuck in my throat. I’ve lived a sheltered life and never had to deal with something like this before. I have no fucking idea how to handle this situation. Emotions begin to intensify deep within my heart, ranging from protectiveness to worry.
I struggle to stay calm, and I’m just about to ask again when her eyes focus on my face. She hiccups past the sobs, “Falcon.”
Moving slower this time, I bring a hand up and gently tuck the wild strands behind her ear. Seeing the other bruise on her jaw makes my anger spike rapidly.
Assuming Grayson has something to do with this, I ask, “Did Grayson –” The rage makes me sound angry as fuck, and not wanting to frighten Layla more, I clear my throat before whispering, “Did Grayson do this to you?”
She begins to nod, but before she can answer me, a commotion behind us scares the shit out her. Grabbing hold of my jacket, she steps right into me, hiding behind the little protection the fabric offers. Her reaction makes my protective side explode to life like never before. A door slams closed behind us, making Layla startle again. I wrap my left arm around her shoulders, and place my right behind her head, wanting her to feel some sort of safety in my arms.
I glance back to see what the hell is happening. Mason shoves Grayson forward, making him fall to his knees on the marble floor. Grayson quickly climbs to his feet and moves away from Mason while struggling to pull his phone from his pocket. “I’m pressing charges against you,” he dares to threaten Mason.
I’m used to seeing Mason out of control but when Lake walks right up to Grayson, getting in his face, surprise ripples through me.
“You want to press charges? You’re not the fucking victim here!”
Grayson uses his palm to wipe some of the blood away from the cut above his left eye. “She fucking bit me!” he roars, the veins bulging in his neck. Pointing at his face with a shaking finger, he continues to rant, “Look at the scratches! If it scars, she’s paying the fucking bill.”
“What did you do to make her bite and scratch you?” Kingsley yells, her cheeks stained red and her hands trembling. I’ve never seen Kingsley so upset before.
“I did nothing. The bitch is crazy. This is what happens when you allow low-lives into Trinity.”
Glancing back at Layla, something in me shifts when she cowers closer to me.
I bring my hands to her shoulders and try to pull her a little back. “Layla, tell me what happened.”
She shakes her head and burrows her way back against my chest. Without turning around to look at Grayson because I know I will lose my shit and beat him to death, I growl, “Restrain him in the suite. I’ll deal with him once I’ve taken care of Layla.”
Needing to put some distance between us and Grayson, I bend down and placing an arm beneath her legs, and another behind her back, I lift her up. “Kingsley, get Layla’s door for me.”
Kingsley darts around me to retrieve the keycard from Layla’s pocket. She has to swipe it twice before she manages to open the door. I step inside and head to the couch. Placing Layla down on it, I glance to Kingsley where she’s closing the door. “Call for a doctor.”
The word doctor gets Layla’s attention because she begins to shake her head. “No doctor. I’m not hurt.”
Crouching in front of her, I almost place a hand on her bruised knee, but stop just in time. Needing to touch her in some way, I let my arm rest on the couch beside her leg. “You’re not hurt?” I ask incredulously. “Layla, you need medical attention. Either the doctor comes here, or I’m taking you to hospital.”
Her eyes dart to mine. “No hospital. My mom can’t know.”
“We can talk about that later,” I say to pacify her and give her hip a gentle squeeze.
“Make the call, Kingsley,” I order while pulling my own phone from my pocket. I bring up Lake’s number and wait until I hear him pick up.
“Make sure Mason doesn’t kill the fucker,” I say.