Page 18 of Falcon (Trinity Academy 1)
I never thought I’d be this kind of person.
I used to be the kind of girl who runs to jump on her bed after switching off the light.
I used to be the kind of girl who runs from a wasp while screeching, ‘you win… you win.’
Feeling absolutely sickened by what’s happening, I shove Grayson roughly away, then set off running. I push myself forward and only feel a sliver of the brutal tension ease when I near the dorms.
“Layla!” Kingsley’s panicked voice penetrates through the shock, fear, and maddening rage I’m engulfed in, and it acts like a switch which instantly drains me of all my strength.
My legs feel wobbly as I slow down and when I come to a stop, I reach out and grab hold of Kingsley’s shoulders so I won’t crumble to the ground. Tears burn the back of my eyes, and I begin to shiver as if I’m freezing.
“What the hell happened?” she asks, the blood draining from her always rosy cheeks.
I open my mouth, but instead of words, only a sob comes out. Kingsley pulls me against her, and when her arms fold tightly around me, I let the tears fall. After the horrific encounter with Grayson, I finally feel some sense of safety in her arms.
“I’m going to fucking sue you! Look what you’ve done to my face.” Grayson’s roar behind me brings the panic and fear flooding back through my veins.
Letting go of Kingsley, I glance over my shoulder as I dart to my left and into The Hope Diamond so I can get to the safety of my room, but end up slamming into someone else.
“Layla?” Lake’s voice sounds distant.
It must be the distress making me dizzy. I don’t think I can fight for much longer.
The thought makes a helpless feeling swamp my heart.
Somehow, I manage to focus on the face in front of me. I see the soft brown eyes and they’re in total contrast to the blue ones which will be haunting my nightmares from now on.
I grab hold of Lake’s shirt and force the words past the lump of fear in my throat, “Help me.”
Feeling drained of all my strength, I need someone stronger than me, and I’m hoping to God Lake will be that someone.
Lake brings his hands to my face, and cupping my cheeks, he leans down to look at me. Worry fills his eyes as he takes in my haggard state.
“What happened?” I see the words forming on Lake’s lips, but I can’t hear them past the rushing in my ears as the shock from the ordeal begins to set in.
Staying close to Lake, I turn so I can point a trembling finger to outside. When I see Kingsley screaming at Grayson, guilt ripples through me.
I just left her out there with him.
Lake pulls away from me, and it draws a whimpering sob out of my burning chest. The trembling in my body increases uncontrollably as my eyes stay glued to Lake, where he’s jogging to Kingsley’s side.
When Lake’s fist makes Grayson’s head snap back, my vision begins to blur. Exhausted to my core, the last of my strength fades from my legs.
As darkness creeps in, arms come from behind, wrapping around me they keep me from going down like a ton of bricks.Chapter 6Falcon“Have you heard from Julian again?” Mason asks while we’re going down in the elevator.
The doors slide open as I answer, “No. I still can’t believe he thought I’d give him power of attorney over my shares.”
“Yeah, that was a bold move.”
Stepping into the foyer, I see Lake talking to someone. “He’s going to be late for dinner with his parents,” I mention. Lake left the suite ten minutes before us for his usual Wednesday dinner appointment. I’m surprised to still find him here because he never keeps his parents waiting. Lake darts forward and breaks out into a jog.
Yeah, get your ass to the restaurant.
The thought freezes in my mind when my eyes land on Layla’s tearstained face. Her body shudders with every sob leaving her.
What the fuck?
Her hair is a mess, and her white and blue shirt is ripped in the front. It takes a moment for me to process what I’m seeing.
Red bruises on her way too pale face.
Wide eyes, unfocused and wild with panic.
Leaves in her hair.
Scrapes all over her legs.
My eyes travel down her body, and with each bruise and blood splatter I take in, merciless anger grows inside of me.
Somehow, I manage to move forward so I can get to her. Unsteadily, she turns away from me, and I reach her just in time as her legs give way. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I hold her to me, so she doesn’t fall to the ground.
My eyes meet Mason’s before we both look to where Lake is hitting Grayson.