Page 69 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
“What are you doing here?” Griffin’s voice greets me, but it’s so dark I can’t see him.
“Where are you?”
“On the roof of the shed.”
I glance at the shed, making out his lone figure up top. “Can you help me up?” I ask him, wondering if the little shed can even support us both.
He helps me up, showing me where to place my foot to be able to get up here. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you. Callum said when you were younger and you’d have a fight with your father you’d retract.”
“Yeah, distance yourself from others. I don’t want you to do that with me.” I scoot closer to him, and he doesn’t move.
“Why would you ever want to be with a guy like me? Can’t you see I come from bad genes? I think you deserve better.”
He’s wrong, so very wrong. I’ve never wanted or needed someone like this. His past doesn’t define him. He’s nothing like his father. He never could be. Yet, he did keep us a secret because of a promise, which hurts.
“Are you kidding?” I reach for his hand, but he pulls away from me. “Griffin?”
“I’m serious. My family’s a mess. I’m a mess.”
“No you’re not. Look at everything you’ve overcome in your life. Your family does not define you. You’re not him. You’ll never be like your father.”
His eyes meet mine, shining in the light of the moon. “Anya, I feel like I’ve let everyone down. You. Your brothers.”
I sigh and look up at the dark sky before glancing back to him. “Why did you lie to me? When I asked you about keeping our relationship a secret, why didn’t you tell me about making a promise to Callum? Did you ever intend on telling anyone or did you think we could forever keep this secret?”
He shakes his head as he stares out into his yard. “I was scared, Anya. If I told you that Callum said you were off limits, you would’ve went crazy. You would’ve confronted him and I was terrified it would end our friendship and possibly end my career at Atta Boy.” I go to interrupt, but he continues. “And the idea of losing you, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I’m no better than my father, keeping secrets and hurting everyone I love. I was trying not to let anyone down and in the end, that’s exactly what I did.”
The pain and regret is so thick in his voice that it’s hard to listen to. It did hurt when it all came out at Atta Boy, but seeing how rejected he feels breaks my heart. He’s had more rejection in his life than any one person deserves. I will never hurt him by making him feel like he’s any less than he is.
“You haven’t let me down.” I reach for his hand again and this time he takes mine in his. “You haven’t let my brothers down either. I had a talk with Callum. I think he’s going to be okay with it.” I bump his shoulder. “I mean, he’s going to have to be, right?”
Griffin smiles, squeezing my hand tighter in his. “Yeah, he’s gonna have to learn to get on board with it.” He grips my face with the other hand. “I’m sorry, Anya. I never meant for everything to come out like this.”
“I know you didn’t and Griffin,” I say, waiting for his eyes to lock with mine. “You are so much better than your father. You didn’t keep a secret to hurt anyone, you did it to protect everyone, to protect us.”
He nods and searches my face. “Never again, I promise you that. I will never keep a secret again. If you can forgive me I promise I will give you the world.”
“I forgive you, Griffin,” I whisper.
He rests his forehead on mine and lets out a ragged breath. “I love you, Anya. I want to be with you always.”
I smile wide, kissing him square on the lips. “And I want to be with you too.”
“Hey, just checking in to make sure everything is good for the party tonight,” Anya says, smiling as she walks into the kitchen at Atta Boy.
I toss the towel over my shoulder and meet her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “Everything is good, baby,” I say, pressing a soft kiss to her inviting lips.
“Ugh, please, I’m so happy for you guys but I don’t need to see that shit,” Callum says, interrupting us.
Anya and I laugh, pulling apart.