Page 68 of Don't Fall For Your Brother's Best Friend
He shakes his head. “I don’t think you do. I’ve never fought harder for something of mine ever. Like I don’t know what I’d do if I lost it all.” He studies me, like he has more to say, but doesn’t know if he should. Then he continues, “Do you know I have nightmares all the time about losing this place?” He paces the small bathroom floor. “I don’t know what I’d do. I’d feel like the biggest fucking failure.”
For the first time in a long time I see my brother for the man he is. I always thought Callum had everything together. That he was so well put together, and just a grump because he thought he could be. Now I see it’s not bravado that makes him this way, but lack of it.
He’s scared.
Plain and simple. He’s a man afraid of losing everything, and I can’t fault him for that. But, he needs to know he can’t put that weight all on his shoulders.
“It’s okay to fail,” I start off, “But you have to let us help you win. Life is all about winning and losing…” my words are cut off when he rolls his eyes.
“Please don’t tell me it’s how you play the game, or some bullshit like that.”
I laugh lightly. “I wasn’t. However, that works here too. You can’t expect this whole burden to be on you. If we fail we fail as a team, as a family. But you have to enjoy it when you succeed, and although tonight is probably one of the major failures, I think the brewery will be fine. You’ve made something great here. You all have, and I’m so proud. It’s why I wanted to come and work here, because I wanted to be part of this magical thing that you all created.”
His face grows solemn once more. “I appreciate that, but why Griffin? We’re like a family here. He’s like my fucking brother.” Callum’s voice raises a little at the end of his sentence.
“Cal, he may be like your brother, but he’s not like mine. I have a lot of brothers. Some would say maybe too many,” we both laugh a little, “but I don’t see Griffin like a brother to me. I love him.”
Callum’s eyes grow wide. “Love?”
“Yes,” I say, squaring my shoulders, lifting my chin. “I love him. And he loves me.”
Callum shakes his head. “Anya, I’m sorry. I just felt like it was weird that Griffin was like a part of our family, that you two would see it that way too.”
“Well, we don’t. But who knows, maybe one day he really can be your brother.”
“Oh my god, are you two already talking about marriage?”
I smile wide. “No, but you never know.”
“Does he feel the same? Having his father show up here tonight makes me worry about him. He ran out of here. When we were younger he’d shut down after an altercation with his dad.”
“Do you think he will again?” I ask my brother.
Callum shifts on his feet, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I don’t know. Maybe you should go and find him.”
“What about the party?”
Callum smiles, and for the first time it’s a real, legitimate smile. One I haven’t seen him have in a long time. “I’ve got the party. I think we can turn things around.”
“Ooh, give them my chocolates. Everything’s better with chocolate.”
My brother offers a large, boisterous laugh. “Sure.”
When we exit the bathroom, there’s only one place I need to be—with Griffin.
I head to Griffin’s house, knocking on the door with both fists, but there’s no answer. I’ve tried texting him numerous times, but he hasn’t responded.
Where is he?
My mind tries desperately to think of where he can be, but I can’t come up with anything. Did he go to his parent’s house?
Maybe to talk to his mother?
Is he down at the jail?
I’m about to leave when I hear something in the backyard. I head through the gate, worrying about what I might find.
Please don’t let it be a wild animal.