Page 74 of The Naughtier List
I want to hear all about his night. Every graphic detail. I want to hear about Josh’s daddy, just as much as I want to tell him about mine.
And there’s more… I’m so intrigued by the way Daddy hosed my mouth out in the shower, so filthily. And so dirty as I pissed all over the shower floor as he watched me. I’m so intrigued by where it could lead… and I want to explore it with Josh. I need to voice my thoughts out loud…
“Keep the change, thanks,” I say to the driver when we pull up, and I bail out, dashing through the courtyard gardens with my pigtails swinging – trotting along in my knee-high socks and Mary Janes. I key in the code to the east wing main doors and head into the foyer with a thumping heart. One small elevator ride, and I’ll be there. I’m grinning as I wait for it to arrive on the ground floor, come on, come on, come on. I’ve forgotten that these blocks can get quite busy.
I hear voices behind me in the foyer, and I get a shiver straight up my spine. My carefree attitude towards my fake uniform shrivels to nothing now I’m well and truly out of character. I only hope the oncoming people won’t notice. But, oh fuck. Fate loves making a jibe.
My legs tremble as the approaching voices get louder, because I recognise one of them. His tone is distinctive. Low and charming. I glance over my shoulder to check it out, and I wish there was somewhere to bolt and run to, because Richard Jacobs from Kingsgate Letting Agency is walking towards me, with a client at his side as she browses obliviously through a brochure. His eyes crash into mine, and stay there, both of us mute as the elevator finally dings and the doors open. I don’t know what to do other than step on in, so embarrassed that I hang my head as he and his client step in along with me.
She’s blind to my predicament, continuing to ask him questions about the kitchen of the place she’s about to view, but he’s not. His eyes are so intense as he checks me out that I’m burning alive. He knows I’m not a college girl. He knows I don’t hang out in pigtails and a fake school blazer when I should be at ‘work’.
“What floor?” he asks me, before pressing the button to ascend. “Are you going to see Josh or Tiffany, by any chance?”
I cringe, because there is no doubt now that he knows. Josh wasn’t lying about their reputation around here – and I know what the association means.
Richard Jacobs, my lettings agent, knows I’ve just been out fucking someone for money, dressed up in a schoolgirl outfit. I’m not exactly the PR professional I presented myself as for my viewing.
“Josh’s or Tiffany’s?” he repeats, and I clear my throat.
“Right,” he says, and presses the button for floor eight, before clicking on floor ten to follow.
I’m ready to race the hell out of there when the elevator reaches floor eight, but Richard reaches out to keep the doors open before they close behind me.
“Hold on one second please, Ella,” he says.
Ella. I’m sure not Miss Edwards now. Not from the tone he’s using.
He turns to the client he’s got the viewing with, and she’s still scoping out the apartment brochure.
“Miss Yardley,” he says, and she looks up as he pulls some keys from his pocket. “Would you be so kind as to give me a minute? Please, head up to apartment forty-six and make yourself at home. I’ll be right on up to join you.”
“Of course.” She smiles and takes the keys, completely oblivious.
He steps out to join me and waits until the elevator is on its way up before he speaks.
“Well, well. What a surprise to see you under these circumstances,” he says, and there is such a sneery edge to his voice that I cringe. My backpack feels so heavy and ridiculous on my shoulder that I shunt it up, as though I’ve been caught being a naughty schoolgirl for real. “I didn’t realise you had friends over here, in the east.” He steps closer, towering over me, and the respect I saw before from him at my viewings has all gone away. He’s not out to impress me today, with handshakes and courtesy. “I didn’t realise you were a hooker, like them. What an oversight on my part. Extraordinary. I’ve normally got very good intuition.”
“I do work in PR…” I attempt. “I’m an entertainer.”
“Cut the crap,” he says. “We both know what you really do for a living.” He looks me up and down. “You make a convincing schoolgirl. Very good. The pigtails suit you.”
My cheeks must be blushing beetroot. What am I supposed to say to that? What can I say?
I don’t say a thing, just look at the goddamn floor like a criminal.
He paces around me in the corridor, with his hands clasped behind his back like a predator circling his prey – and I’m back to the old Ella. Being judged, being scared, feeling like I shouldn’t be in a place like this.
I figure he’s going to call me out in disgust and say dirty hookers shouldn’t be in this place, but he steps up close again, with a different kind of smile on his face.
A dirty smile.
It clicks with me. I remember what Ebony said when he showed us around prospective apartments. She said about the bulge in his pants, and I look there now. Sure enough, there it is. His pants are bulging for me in my schoolgirl outfit. He’s hard at the sight of me.
“So, now I know you’re a hooker, let’s put it on the table,” he says. “How much do you charge and when can I book you?”
I meet his eyes again, and he’s so confident, it’s almost smug.