Page 73 of The Naughtier List
“I won’t go near Scott again, Dad, I promise. He’s a total idiot, and he was rubbish. But there are other boys at college, you know, and I like some different ones.”
“I see. You don’t like Scott now,” he replies, and I know he gets my meaning.
“You aren’t allowed any different boys either, so the same applies. If I find you with any boy in this house there will be trouble. And I know some boys are much, much dirtier than Scott, so be very, very careful. I’ll do whatever I need to do to pull you back in line, you know that.”
I buzz at the thought.
“Yes, Daddy. I know that.”
My God, I can only hope to imagine what his next proposal might entail… I’m pushing him and I know it.
Holly is pushing him, and I’m glad, because that’s what hardcorers do… they make their clients’ deepest fantasies come to life.
“Bye, Dad,” I say, and kiss his cheek before I leave – my socks pulled up high and my backpack slung over my shoulder.
“Bye, sweetheart. You be good and study hard.”
“I will,” I tell him with a smile.
“That’s my girl,” he says.
“And Dad…”
He raises an eyebrow. “Thank you, for everything you do for me. You really are the best.”
He shakes his head at me and smiles.
“I think we both know who the best is here, Holly,” he says. “Seriously, I couldn’t have wished for more.”
“Same for me, Dad,” I say.
“Off you go,” he says and pats my ass as I walk away. “I’ll be thinking of you all day.”
“I’ll be thinking of you all week,” I tell him, and that’s no lie.
“Till next time,” he says, music to my pussy.
I blow him a kiss and give him a wave and skip out the door, closing it gently behind me.
Fuck, that was one intense proposal.
This time I don’t have the grotesque lurch that I won’t ever see him again, or the crippling morning after syndrome pain that came from leaving him behind – fantasy over.
I feel so happy as I call a cab from the end of his street, beaming as I look up at the clear blue sky.
D&S I message Josh. Just waiting for the taxi.
Can’t wait to see you, baby, he replies. I’ve been up all fucking night.
That news sets me alight. I have someone to go home to. Someone waiting for my safe return, with their arms open wide for me. Someone who loves me as much as Daddy does.
Only love with Josh is for real.
Chapter Fourteen
Daddy is all but forgotten as my cab heads back towards London. I may have been having the time of my life last night, but that pales into insignificance now.
I could squeal with excitement as the towers come into view. There’s my soon-to-be apartment up there – I can see the window in the west wing, and it gives me another rush of a high. Only not as high as the soaring feeling I get at the thought of Josh waiting for me.