Page 201 of The Naughtier List
My heart is pounding as I wait for a reply, and I jump a mile as Mum’s number flashes up with a call instead of a text.
My voice is shaky when I answer.
“Of course we’re not getting a flight,” she says. “Ella, there’s plenty to talk about, but we’re here, ok? We’ll see you tomorrow.”
My cards are already so loose they spill right out.
“And will you meet Josh, please? Please, Mum, make your judgement for yourself. Just give it a chance.”
She pauses. “We’ll try. No promises, though. Not yet.”
I breathe.
“Ok, thanks.” Another fucking sob comes out of me. “I missed you so much.”
She tries to hold hers in, but fails.
“Yeah, we missed you too, sweetheart.” She’s losing control, and I hear it. “We’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”
“Ok, love you.”
“Yes, we love you, too.”
I’m numb and mute when my Superman returns with two bags full of junk. He dumps them straight on the sofa, and takes a seat beside me. Boy, I look inside and he really has gone to town. Cookies, scones, cupcakes, chocolate, cheesy puffs. He’s even got jam tarts.
“Thank you.”
“No need for thanks. You can be my junk food Superwoman one day too, if I need one.”
Looking at him, and his beautiful composure – even now – I’m not sure he ever will. He does share some cheesy puffs with me, though. And he eats a jam tart, too. I didn’t know he liked them, so I’ll file that away for future reference.
As the day rolls on, I get more restless. I’d love to sleep but I can’t. I’m too wired. I can just about see Madon House Hotel from our window, its windows bright as twilight hits, and I can’t stop staring at it, knowing my parents are over there. No doubt talking about me.
I only pray they aren’t still sobbing with shame.
I start as Josh takes hold of my shoulders from behind, squeezing gently.
“You’re torturing yourself, Ells. Stop looking.”
“It doesn’t matter if I’m looking or not, I’ll still be torturing myself.”
He wrap his arms around me. “They said they’ll see you tomorrow. Try and rest. They’d hate to think of you chewing yourself up like this.”
He’s right. They would. They raced over here to save me, not torture me.
“Fine, you’re right. I know you are. I’ll stop.”
I let him lead me to the bedroom, and he helps me get undressed, pulling back the covers so I can slide into bed. I want to let my mind go blank, just for a while. I need to break myself away from the conflict and the heartache – and I need to feel loved. I need to be held tight.
I need Josh.
“Get some sleep, baby,” he says, but I grab his arm.
My actions speak volumes, and he succumbs right away, climbing onto the bed next to me, with his suit still on. But he doesn’t stay clothed that long. I’m too frantic to get to his skin, to his flesh, to him.
“You should be resting,” he says, but I pull him in for a kiss. His concern only makes me want him more.