Page 200 of The Naughtier List
“And who the fuck asked you?” Connor has the gall to say.
“Listen carefully to my words,” Josh says, their eyes locked, “you will stay well away from Ella, and her parents, and you will stay well away from my sister and my family. Come anywhere near, and you will regret it.”
My prick of an ex doesn’t want to face off with Josh, and I don’t blame him. Josh’s entire demeanour puts Connor to shame. He’s feigning affluence, whereas Josh owns it.
Connor holds his hands up, his attention all on me.
“I fucked up, ok? How many times do I have to say sorry? Can’t we at least talk about things without your boyfriend in earshot.”
My God. Even now, Connor really believes he stands a chance, the delusional cockhead. Does he really have that much of an ego?
Yes. He does. He always did.
My reply is simple.
“No. Save your chatter for the poor cow who falls for it next. I’m sure there is a queue of them.”
“Ella–” he says as I walk away, but I give him the final middle finger. I hope the whole fucking bar is watching as he whimpers pathetic pleas in my wake. I hope they go viral, too.
The ties are broken, cords finally cut. The deluded prick is gone from my life for ever.
At least some relief is coming out of this debacle.
I finally take a breath once Josh and I jump into a cab. The shakes start up in earnest when we’re clear of the hotel – my adrenaline easing off.
“Give me the full lowdown, I’m all ears,” Josh says, since the thirty second overview in the lobby hardly cut it, but I can’t speak. I’m too drained. Emotionally battered with the ups and downs. “Scrap that. It’s alright, Ells,” my boyfriend says and rests a reassuring hand on my thigh. “We’ll get home, and get you some dinner. You need it.”
I smile through my shakes.
“I need chocolate cake, and cream scones, and a whole pack of chocolate cookies.” I pause. “Oh, and three family size packs of cheesy puffs.”
“I’ll start with a sandwich and then I’ll make a Superman dash to the store, how about that?”
“I’ll love you for ever.”
“Thanks, I’ll be your junk food Superman for ever, if you need one.”
I lean into him. “Nah, it’s unconditional. Junk food Superman or not.” I let out a sigh. “I need to book Mum and Dad into Madon House, ASAP. Hopefully they’ll be packing their cases as we speak.”
“No need,” Josh says. “It’s already done. Call me your emergency suite booking Superman as well.”
“Or just my Superman.”
He kisses my head. “I’ll be your Superman whenever I can be.”
Fuck, I love him so much. I just hope my parents get to see even a fraction of the man he is. It doesn’t matter how much they think they’re going to hate him, he’s too good to refute. Even for Dad. They just need to give him a chance.
Josh makes me a ham and cheese toastie as I flop onto the sofa. I don’t know whether to cry, or smile, or scream. The agony of seeing my parents that way will never go away, but at least they didn’t turn me away without some kind of a hearing. Connor didn’t worm his way into their hearts beyond repair.
I get a message from Mum when Josh is out on his Superman run.
We’ve just checked in. Thank you. x
It’s got a kiss after it, and I sigh in relief.
I frantically type…
Can we meet up? Please? Tomorrow? You haven’t booked a flight, have you? x