Page 46 of Encore
I roll over to snuggle up to him…and then I jerk upward.
He’s gone. I look around the room. His clothes are also gone. I get up and pad to the bathroom, but no Dave. I wrap myself in one of the lush robes, grab my key card, and head across the hall.
I knock softly. “Dave?”
A moment later he opens the door. “Hey.”
“Where did you go?”
“Uh…here?” He grins.
“Yeah, stupid question.”
“Come on in,” he says. “We need to talk.”
My heart sinks to my stomach.
I’ve heard the we need to talk line before, and it never leads to anything good.
I swallow. “About what?”
His suitcase is open on his bed, folded clothes ready to be packed.
My heart sinks. “Dave…”
“I’m sorry, Maddie. I have to go home. My father called early this morning. Apparently there’s some shit going down, and he needs me home.”
He holds a hand up. “But this doesn’t change anything. I’d like to continue…seeing you.”
“I’ll be in Europe for the next couple of months, Dave.”
“I know that. But Brock and I?—”
“Brock’s going home too?”
“Yeah. Apparently this is a big deal. He wouldn’t leave Rory otherwise, and the family wouldn’t ask him to.”
“What kind of big deal?”
He frowns. “Dad wouldn’t tell me over the phone, which means it’s a really big deal.” He sighs, shaking his head. “Man, and just when I thought I could have a vacation. Now I have to get back on an airplane tonight.”
“Oh my God!” I clamp my hand over my mouth.
“If he needs everyone home, that means Brianna has to go too.”
He cups my cheek. “Actually, no. Uncle Talon and Aunt Jade decided she could stay if she wants. Since she and Jesse just got engaged and all.”
“Oh, thank God.” Then I clamp my hand over my mouth again. “I don’t mean to make this all about me, Dave. I’m so sorry. It’s just, without Brianna, there’s no one for me to see Europe with. Jesse and Rory will be with the band, and now Brock is leaving. Not that he and I are close or anything, but at least he’s not with the band.”
“I know, baby. But Bree doesn’t have to go.”
“I don’t want you to go either,” I say, trying not to whine.