Page 45 of Encore
“I’ve already got a reservation for you. You and Brock leave Charles de Gaulle tonight at five p.m. your time.”
At least that gives me the day to spend with Maddie. I won’t be here to see tonight’s concert, but I saw the one in London. It’ll be the same concert anyway.
I finally look at my phone for the first time. Four a.m. That’s a little over twelve hours to gather the courage to step on a plane again.
At least I can go back to bed, maybe make love to Maddie one more time.
She’ll be back in a few months when the tour is over.
“All right, Dad,” I say. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, son. Honestly, I hate to do this to you, but we need everybody involved.”
“Everyone except Brianna?”
“We’re going to let her sit this one out if she wants to. She and Jesse just got engaged, and they need to be together.”
“Have you told her?”
“I’m leaving that to Brock. She can call Uncle Talon and Aunt Jade if she wants more information.”
“You know she’s going to insist on coming home.”
“She may. And that’s her call.”
“I’m guessing she’ll be on that flight with us tonight.”
“She may,” Dad says again.
“All right, Dad. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Dave.”
The phone clicks dead.
What the hell?
I’m numb. Though my heart is beating like a fucking hummingbird’s.
Just when I thought it was safe to be a Steel again…
I slide between the covers, wrap my arms around Maddie. My cock hardens as soon as I touch her body, and I reach between her legs.
She’s still slick, and I slide into her from behind.
She sighs. “Feels nice…”
I kiss her neck, tugging her earlobe. “It does, baby. God, it does.”
Chapter Twelve
I wake up, the sun streaming in through my window. I have a vague memory of Dave making love to me in the early hours of the morning.
It was sweet and sexy and perfect.