Page 6 of The Good Girl
“Yes, I also went to the board and they agree. You’ll all receive very impressive severance packages, but you’re done.”
“What? You can’t do that. My family built that company from the ground up.”
“Yes and it’s a shame that you squandered most of it in less than a year.”
“I’ll fight you…”
“You may try, but it’s already done. The board voted in my favor last week. Had you been there you would’ve known this already. Not to worry I’m not aiming to cheat you, you’ll receive enough money for you to squander for a very long time. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a business to run.”
Jonas got to his feet and so did I, wondering what had just happened. I didn’t have any of that in my notes. Andrew was visibly upset when he got to his feet. “You’d do well to get away from this shark little Thalia. I don’t know how someone as sweet as you can stomach him.”
Oh no, don’t bring me into the middle of this. I didn’t look at either man and almost dropped through the floor when Andrew reached a hand out to me. “Don’t touch her.” The words lacked any hint of emotion, but I heard the underlying threat all the same.
Andrew pulled his hand back as if stung before facing off with Jonas again. “You don’t own her Harp. Don’t forget what I said Thalia, the offer still stands.” I didn’t raise my head, not even when he walked to the door and left.
I started to follow after Jonas as he headed in the same direction but he closed and locked the door before turning back to me. Now I could plainly see the look of anger on his face.
I took a step back ready to explain Andrew’s slightly veiled innuendos but wasn’t given the chance. Instead I found my back pressed against the desk and his body pressing into mine.
Without a word his hand came up under my skirt and I felt and heard the tearing of my new silk underwear. My eyes flew open but no words came. I felt the movement of his hands as he wrestled with his belt and the tab of his slacks.
I had no time to protest or acquiesce before I felt him shove himself into my body. I had no choice but to lift my arm to his shoulder for support.
He didn’t make love to me as much as fucked me. We’d had some wild encounters before but this was different. His forceful thrusts seemed to be sending a message. I looked into his eyes but that earlier light was gone. In its place was something more feral, almost lethal.
For whatever reason it took me to the brink and it wasn’t long before my body betrayed me and I came. He wasn’t far behind, but this time more than the feel of him emptying himself inside of me it was the word he whispered that had me reeling. “Mine.”
He pulled out of me and reached down to retrieve the torn silk before stuffing it into his pocket. I fumbled my clothes back into place and patted at my hair though he’d never touched it. I just needed something to do with my hands.
I followed him out of the room and back down in the lift not daring this time to look anywhere but at the floor. Once on our floor on the very top of the building I rushed to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
I had to take a few minutes to compose myself before going back out there. The last thing on my mind was Rachel and what she was doing here. My thoughts were filled with what had just happened and why? Jonas has never shown any sign of proprietorship before, never revealed even an ounce of jealousy, that wasn’t his style.
Back behind my desk I made myself busy as my mind tried to process all of it. What did that mean ‘mine’? Was he staking his claim? Was he admitting that I meant more to him than just another office fling?
And what had set him off? It couldn’t be Andrew’s behavior. He ought to know by now that Andrew was just a terrible flirt; he flirted with everyone. His exploits were plastered all over the front page at least once a week.
For the rest of the day I pondered it all and was still no closer to an answer by knockoff time. I left the office with my mind going in a million different directions at once.
All the way on the drive home I played the scene over in my head looking for an answer. I made myself a quick salad for dinner since I’d missed lunch again. Since I’d been ill I hadn’t regained my appetite and I’d lost a few pounds that I couldn’t afford to. I ate my salad standing at the kitchen island almost in a daze.
That night he didn’t come to me, but I guess twice in one day was enough for him. I just wish for once he’d thought to lie next to me in the night, to hold me close until I fell asleep. That’s something we’d never shared.
I didn’t look too closely at his possible reasons for that. Jonas never let anyone get too close, not even the woman who was sharing his bed. There was a wall around him that was almost impenetrable. One I wish I knew how to break through.
I fell asleep with that one word he’d whispered in my ear playing over and over in my head like a loop; so forceful so heartfelt ‘mine’. I slept through the night for the first time in a long time and woke in the morning feeling refreshed.