Page 22 of The Good Girl
“How did you find me?”
“We’ll save that for later.” Typical. I ignored him and drank my tea, which helped to settle my tummy some more. It was then I noticed that we weren’t moving. I looked towards the windows and saw that we were on the ground.
“Where are we?”
“Home. We landed over an hour ago.”
“We…why didn’t you wake me?”
“You needed your rest and so did my child.” I went cold all over and tried to jump off the bed.
“Stop it before you hurt yourself.” He reached out and grabbed my arm. I’d forgotten the cup in my hand and put it down before I burnt myself.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I told you never to lie to me. I’ve had too much of that already in my life I won’t stand for it.” What was he talking about? Who’d lied to him?
“You’re calling me a liar? You with your little floozy? How old is she twelve?”
“Who the hell are you talking about? What floozy?”
“Oh don’t pretend you don’t know. I saw you.”
“Saw me when doing what?” Did he really think I was that stupid? Or did he think I’d never find out?
“Rachel, I saw you with her on TV last night.” It hurt just to say the words.
“Are you crazy? She’s my niece.”
“Yes you little fool. I’ve been bringing her up to speed in time for our little getaway.”
“Huh, what little getaway?” My heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest. Was he telling me the truth? How could I trust it? I know what I saw.
“The one I’ve been planning since I realized you were pregnant.” He gave me one of his signature looks and I tried to make sense of what he was saying. His niece, I didn’t even know he had any family.
“I didn’t bring anyone up from downstairs because I didn’t want anyone getting into my business. I asked Rachel to take over for you while we’re gone and keep an eye on things. I’ve cleared my calendar for the next two weeks.”
“Isn’t she a little young?” I wasn’t giving in that easy.
“Didn’t you see the program last night? She’s a prodigy. Harvard at eleven. That thing last night was to honor gifted students.” Now I felt like a complete ass.
“Leave it, we’ll talk later, let’s go.” I was numb and in a daze all the way to the car he had waiting. He held my hand for the first time in public as we drove through the streets. I didn’t recognize any of the street signs outside the window but I did know where we were once the car came to a stop.
The driver got out and came around to my door while Jonas exited his side before I could ask him why we were there.
“What are we doing here? I won’t have an abortion.” I tugged on my hand to get away, sick fear crawling up my throat.
“Are you completely insane? I would never destroy my seed.”
“Then why?” I looked towards the medical building.
“She’s the best OBGYN in the city. She will be seeing to your care from now on.”
He was royally pissed. “Your little stunt may have injured my child, we’re here to make sure that isn’t the case.” He pulled me into the building and marched over to the bank of lifts. He pressed the button for the doctor’s floor and we waited. I’m not sure if it was providence that it was empty, but once the doors closed he turned to me, blocking me into the corner.