Page 21 of The Good Girl
Chapter 11
The next morning I woke with the sun in my eyes. It took me a minute to figure out what had awakened me. Someone was banging on the door. I didn’t want to face the world, not yet, but maybe there was something wrong with my card and the hotel needed to check.
I dragged myself out of bed in the wrinkled clothes I’d slept in. I was sure I looked a mess with my hair all over the place, but I didn’t much care about that either. I waited to see what my tummy would do, but for once the baby had decided to take it easy on me.
I pulled the door open and my mouth dropped. A very pissed off Jonas Harp stood there wearing the damning tuxedo from the night before. Before I could dredge up my anger, or slam the door in his face, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room behind him while I tried digging my heels in to no avail.
“What are you doing? I don’t want to go anywhere with you. Hey.” They were two men fiddling around with my car and one was getting into the driver’s side. Jonas barely spared them a glance so I figured they might be his henchmen.
“I need to get my bag it’s back there in the room.” It was like talking to a brick wall, he just kept going, dragging me towards a car that was idling with a chauffeur behind the wheel.
He flung the door open and pushed me inside before strapping me in. “Don’t move.” He slammed the door and headed back to the room after my bag. The two who’d been at my car were pulling out of the parking lot and all I could do was follow them with my eyes.
I thought of making a run for it but the unknown man in the front seat had his eyes on me and I was sure if I tried he’d nab me for his boss.
Jonas returned with his face looking like a storm cloud, but of course didn’t say a word to me. The driver drove off and I was wondering how I was going to spend the next few hours in a car with one very angry man.
I needn’t have worried, because we ended up at an airstrip. I looked in amazement when I saw my name blazoned on the side of what I was sure was a gulfstream. I turned to him questioningly but that glare didn’t invite conversation. Nevertheless I was very confused.
I was still trying to figure out what was going on when he led me up the steps to board. There was a staff waiting and I soon found myself buckled into the softest buttery leather seat.
“Good morning sir, Ms. May we get you some coffee this morning?” The nice young African American lady asked. Jonas was staring holes in me still not saying a word.
“I’ll have some…maybe I’ll wait until we take off thanks.” I wasn’t sure how well my tummy would behave and was surprised it hadn’t rebelled yet this morning. Maybe I’d done enough throwing up the night before and kiddo was taking it easy on her momma.
He was still watching me after accepting a cup of coffee. His eyes stayed on me over the cup and I fidgeted around in my seat before looking out the window to avoid him.
The captain came over the intercom to alert us that it was time to take off and the doors closed. The staff had disappeared and it was just he and I left in the confined space.
Here we go. My stomach lurched as the plane taxied down the runway and my head spun. “Put your head between your knees. Shit I forgot about this.” How did he get from his seat to the one next to mine so quickly? And what was it that he’d forgotten about?
He kept his hand on my head as I breathed through my nose and prayed for death. A quick painless one. I felt every movement of the plane as it made its ascent into the skies, hoping against hope that the sickening nausea would ease off once we were airborne.
I wretched and fought to unbuckle myself from the seat. His hands joined mine and I was soon free, looking around for the washroom. There was probably a barf bag around here somewhere but I wasn’t about to do that in front of him.
“Come.” He led me down the aisle to a bathroom at the back of the plane. I tried shutting the door on him but he forced his way in and knelt next to me while I threw up. He was being so sweet I almost forgot I was mad at him. He brushed the hair back from my face and put a cool wet cloth on my forehead and another on my neck.
Please don’t ask me why I’m still sick. That was my first thought when I was finally able to stand again. He didn’t say anything, just helped me clean up and led me out of the suddenly tight room.
Instead of leading me back to the seat he took me to the room at the very end of the aisle, which turned out to be a bedroom. I felt too miserable to complain so I just crawled in . I was only too happy to feel the cool sheets beneath my heated cheeks as I laid down with my back turned.
The bastard just pulled a blanket up to my waist and left. I was probably out before he made it back to his seat.
It felt like mere seconds had passed before someone was gently shaking me awake. I rolled over to see him sitting on the bed next to me. Funny, the pillow next to mine had an indentation like someone had slept there. At the same time I noticed that he’d opened a few buttons on his shirt.
I looked from the pillow to him but of course nothing was said. “How do you feel?”
“What do you care?” He reached a hand out to brush lightly over my hair.
“I care very much little one, maybe that’s the problem.” What the hell kind of half ass logic is that?
“Are you feeling up to some tea?” I looked over to where he indicated and saw that he had my favorite tea steeping in a pot next to the bed and sat up.
I grudgingly accepted the cup he passed to me but refused to find any joy in the fact that he knew how I took my tea. I was done with him. Last night had proven that I had the strength to walk away and no matter how much it hurt me to do it, first chance I get I’m gone again. I’ll just have to do a better job next time.