Page 93 of Maxim
I guess it’s better to believe James died in a tragic accident than to know he was murdered in cold blood in an attempt to kill or maim me.
Amanda waits in the entrance vestibule, tapping her shoes and staring at her phone. She didn’t know James, but she is here to support me. Jane too, only there’s no sign of our other friend.
Kolya stands a few feet behind Amanda, glowering as per usual. I swear he gets more grumpy every time I see him. She ignores him, like always.
“Babe, I’m so sorry this has happened.” She pushes her phone in her pocket and pulls me into a tight hug. I soak up her warmth for a few moments. Thanks to thick stone walls a foot thick, it’s cool in here, despite all the assembled mourners. “Are you OK? You know you can stay with me if you need to, right?” She glances back at Max, who’s watching me while pretending not to. “Don’t feel like you have to stay with Mr. Murderous over there.”
A flicker of amusement breaks through the bleakness of the moment and I half-smile.
“I’m fine, don’t worry. Max is taking good care of me.”
She snorts. “I bet he is.” We smile at each other before I remember to ask about our absent friend.
“Where’s Jane? I thought you two would come together?”
Amanda frowns. “I did too, but she messaged me last night to say she was staying with her man and he’d drop her off. No sign of her yet, I guess she had a late night…”
“OK, makes sense, I guess.” We both watch a few last stragglers enter the vestibule but none of them are Jane.
The priest has emerged while we’ve been talking and the service is about to begin. Amanda and I head down the aisle to take our seats, with Max and Kolya close behind. James’ family sit at the front, his mother sobbing quietly and his father stoically trying to hold it together. A teenager in an ill-fitting suit sits beside them, staring at his hands.
We pass some of my colleagues and a few nod a greeting, but most barely acknowledge me. I’m not sure if it’s because they don’t know what to say to me, or because they think I’m to blame, but before I can spiral down a path of self-recrimination once again, Max takes my hand in his and squeezes it tightly.
“I got you,” he says quietly as we sit down.
And it means everything.
Once the service ends, people slowly leave the church, talking among themselves. The family has organized a wake at a local hotel but Max doesn’t think we should go. I’m fine with that. I don’t feel comfortable spending time with James’ family. I’m sure every time they look at me, they are reminded of why they no longer have a son.
Amanda looks at her phone for the millionth time and frowns. “Where the fuck is she?” It’s what we’re both thinking. Jane isn’t normally flaky. If anything, she’s the best one of us for sticking to arrangements, unlike me, who routinely cancels plans last-minute.
“Maybe the car she was in broke down or something?”
“That wouldn’t prevent her from letting us know,” Amanda points out.
“Her phone could have died too…” Amanda scoffs and then opens up our group chat to send another message.
“What’s wrong, malyshka?” Max moves in behind me, his arm snaking around my waist in a possessive way. Amanda sees the gesture and smirks.
“Jane’s missing. She should have been here but we can’t get hold of her. We’re worried.”
Max tenses and he and Kolya exchange cryptic glances.
“What?” A chill zips down my spine, like a ghost walked over my grave. Which is kind of appropriate given where we currently stand. “Is there something I should know?”
He doesn’t reply immediately because he’s too busy having some kind of silent conversation with Kolya. Then Kolya steps back and makes a phone call. I try to listen in but he turns his back and talks in a voice so low it’s impossible to make out what he’s saying.
Just as I’m about to quiz Max further, my phone pings. I pull it from my purse and stare at the screen. There’s a message from an unknown number. Hoping it’s Jane using a different phone, I unlock the screen and open the message.
The person messaging me from an unknown number has sent me a photo of Jane tied to a chair, a gag in her mouth. She looks terrified. The message that follows says:
If you don’t do as I say, your friend will die.
Chapter sixty-five