Page 92 of Maxim
Greta probably gives him updates every evening. She’s clearly loyal to him, and she’s been watching me like an overprotective mama bear.
“Fuck me, Max, make me forget,” I whisper in his ear as he slides over my sweat-slicked body, holding his weight on his forearms.
“I got you, malyshka,” he promises. “Always.”
The words I want to say are there, right at the forefront of my mind, but I’m not ready to release them into the universe. Instead, I show him how I feel with small kisses along his jaw, loving touches, and the way my body accepts his with zero hesitation.
He’s mine and I am his.
It might be the worst decision ever, but I’ve fallen in love with the devil. Even if he’s still holding back some vital pieces of himself.
Chapter sixty-four
Today is James’ funeral. We sit at the kitchen table while I push a pancake around my plate and Max watches me like a hawk. He isn’t happy about me attending but he has grudgingly agreed that it is something I need to do.
Dread seeps into my skin at the thought of seeing my colleagues and James’ family. Will they think it’s all my fault? Even if they don’t, I know I am the only reason he’s dead. If he hadn’t come with me, he would still be alive, bragging about his latest date.
I had planned to go to the funeral on my own. It seemed easier that way and it’s not fair to expect Max to drop everything to be at my side, not when he’s already doing so much for me. Unsurprisingly, that idea did not go down well.
“Malyshka, it isn’t safe for you to leave my estate, so if you think I’m letting you go to the funeral unaccompanied, you must be fucking delusional.” He stands to refill my coffee cup.
“But I’ll be surrounded by people!” It irritates me he’s not even willing to discuss the idea.
He folds his arms and stares at me like I am missing some vital brain cells. The stubborn part of me wants to argue some more, so I open my mouth intending to do exactly that.
“If one more bad idea comes out of that pretty mouth, I will stuff my cock in it before spanking your ass.”
My mind goes blank, which was his intention. As much as I want to be outraged by the idea he thinks he can shut me up with his dick, my pussy loves it. She gushes with excitement and I rub my thighs together under the table. From the way he smirks, he knows exactly what effect he’s having on me.
“I…I… OK.” I'm tempted to push my luck, but I decide now is not the time. Even though I hate to admit it, he does make a good point. “Fine. So who’s taking me? One of your guys?”
That provokes a stony glare. “Why would I let one of my men accompany you? Were you not listening last night when I told you you’re mine and I will always take care of you?”
“But I assumed you meant in a vague sense. You’re busy and I’m sure you have better things to do than go to a funeral…” My voice trails off as his glare deepens.
Just as I’m about to get up and head back to my bedroom to shower and change, he stalks around the table like a panther.
“Malyshka, let’s get one thing fucking straight. If you’re in danger, I will be the one to protect you. My men will be there too, but I am your first line of defense. Whoever is after you better be ready to die because I will sacrifice my life for you if that’s what it takes to keep you safe. Are we clear?”
Max offering to die for me is probably a red flag, but once again, I’m speechless and overwhelmed. Tears prick my eyes. How is Max so perfect? I never dreamed I’d meet someone like him, someone who puts me first.
“Baby, don’t cry.” He pulls me into his arms, his annoyance melting away at the sight of my distress. “I promise you, please believe me when I say I will take care of you.” He rubs soothing circles on my back and slowly, I relax.
“What time do I need to be ready?” I have to shower, find something to wear, and repair the wreck that is my face. I’m not sure that’s even possible, but at least nobody will be surprised to see I look dreadful. Not after what’s happened.
“We leave at 12.”
The small church is packed when we enter through the massive wooden doors. Max keeps me tucked under his arm and I don’t miss the way he scans every face we pass.
Outside, his men have taken up positions around the perimeter. I’ve seen lots of people throw confused looks at all the heavily armed men patrolling around the church and cemetery, obviously curious about why James’ funeral needs such a high level of security, but aside from a few discreet mutters, most of the congregation is focused on the reason we’re all here today.
To pay our respects to a young man taken from us in the prime of his life. A tragic accident, the press reported the day after it happened. A bizarre electrical fault that triggered a terrible explosion. The official explanation is as unlikely as it is ridiculous, but most people seem to have bought it.