Page 12 of Filled
“You forgot good looks.” She blushes, and it’s so damn cute.
“I’m glad you noticed.” I wink at her before I get out of the SUV and go around to help her down. Her legs are a little shaky, so I hold on to her until she’s steady on her feet. “You want me to carry you?” I hold out my arms and she laughs, but I just stand and wait. “I’m serious.”
“No, I’m good. I think I just need to, um, use the restroom.” Again with that blush that drives me wild.
“On it,” I say, quickly grabbing our bags and the perishable items I got back at the store. I’m well stocked otherwise, but I knew I’d need a few essentials before we got here.
I tell her to hold on to my arm as I lead us up the wraparound porch and to the front door. When I’ve got the door unlocked, I turn on the light and point down the hall. “Last door on the left.”
She doesn’t waste time and beelines for the bathroom, and I kick myself for not stopping more on the way here. Of course, she slept for almost all of it, but I should have thought. I’m not used to thinking about what a woman might need or how to take care of one. Normally when I’m on a guided expedition, I point to a tree and tell whoever I’m with to hurry up. I’ve never been in a relationship before, and granted, this might not be one yet, but I plan on being really good at it with Bambi.
I unload the groceries and set out some of the snacks I got for her while I cook dinner. It’s only spaghetti, but it’s easy and quick, and I know I won’t fuck it up. I’m not a great cook, but I’ve learned how to feed myself, and suddenly I’m wondering if those skills are good enough for her. I know how to hunt and fish, and I can survive in the woods indefinitely. I never questioned what I’d be able to give my wife until I’m standing here in the kitchen wondering if what I can offer is what she wants.
“Mmm, something smells heavenly,” she says, coming around the corner with her nose in the air. “Oh, my favorite.”
Her smile could light up a starless night, and it melts something inside of me I didn’t know was there.
“Find your way in here okay?” I ask while she hops up on the seat at the bar and watches me cook.
“You didn’t mention how big this cabin is. It’s more like a lodge.” She looks around and I realize how much I like her being here around my things. “How long has it been here?”
“Well, that’s tough to say. My family’s had the land for longer than I can remember. But I built this place about five years ago.”
“You built this? Or you mean you had it built?”
“Right down to that seat your cute ass is sitting on, babe.” I wink at her, and her mouth falls open.
“You’re not serious.”
“Well, I’d show you the scar, but I’m not sure I should strip down with this sauce bubbling.” Her cheeks flush, and I wonder if they’d be warm against my lips.
“You live in this big place all alone?”
I nod. “My parents come to visit a good bit. They like the outdoors too. My brother Rogue comes when he’s sick of the city, which isn’t often enough if you ask me.”
“It’s so peaceful.” She leans back and looks out the window I opened while I was cooking. “What’s that sound?” Her eyes widen as she looks at me.
“Tree frogs,” I laugh, and her mouth falls open.
“I’ve never heard them before.”
“Welcome to the woods, Bambi.” I think for a second and then ask, “That’s your real name, right?”
She laughs, then rests her chin on her hand and listens to me talk about the wildlife here. She snacks while I cook, and when it’s ready, she eats a plate almost as big as mine. I don’t know when she last ate, but I’m happy to know she’s full when she’s finished.
“Sleepy?” I ask as I clean up, and she leans back in her seat with her hand on her belly.
“I don’t know how, but I can barely keep my eyes open.”
I place the last dish in the dishwasher and come around to where she’s sitting. “Come on, I’ll show you where you can sleep.”
I take her by the hand and stand there for a quiet moment before I lead her back out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the second floor. As her fingers wrap around my palm, it feels as though I’m holding on to her heart.
When we get to the master bedroom, I open the door and show her where I sleep. The cabin is built out of logs I cut myself, and I even made the bed with my own two hands. I’m proud of what I’ve built here, and having Bambi in this space feels like all the hard work was worth it.