Page 11 of Filled
“I took the job with the agency because he needed the money. He’s in deep with some loan shark, so I didn’t have much of a choice. Jero is really the only person I have.”
“Your brother sent you into an agency for call girls and strippers? Less than twenty-four hours and you’re already attacked.” I flinch because he’s right. Angus pulls into the parking lot of a grocery store. “I shouldn’t have fucking said that.” He runs a hand down his face. “I keep seeing you in my mind after I kicked in that door and it’s got me on edge.”
“It’s okay.”
He shakes his head. “It’s not okay, and I’m sorry.”
“Thanks.” I feel shy when he looks at me, and I have to look away.
“Lock the door when I get out. I’m going to grab us some food since we’re almost there.”
He leans down and grabs his phone off the floor. He gave it to me earlier, and it must have fallen out of my hand when I was asleep. He gives it back to me, and I hold it tight in my grip.
“I’ll be right back. Stay put.” He brings his hand up and rubs his thumb on my jaw. I tilt my head into his touch, but then he’s gone.
I hit the locks after he closes his door, and I watch him jog inside. Then I stare at his phone, debating calling my brother. Angus was right. It’s my brother who got me in this situation, and I don’t want to think what might have happened if Angus hadn’t shown up. Really, that’s twice he’s saved me in the same amount of days. I decided not to call him and put the phone in my lap. Even if I do, I should talk to Angus first.
I jump and let out a small scream of surprise when the phone starts to ring. “It’s just a phone, Bambi,” I tell myself.
When I turn it over to see who it is, my thumb accidentally slides across the screen and I answer it by mistake. The name Mom is on the screen, and I don’t know what to do. I can’t hang up on his mom, but I also can’t talk to her.
“Angus, I can hear you breathing.”
I lift the phone to my ear. “Hi,” is all I can manage to say.
“A girl just answered Angus’s phone,” his mom says in a really loud whisper.
“I’m sure she can hear you, honey.”
“Oh, right. Hello, sweetheart, I’m Ruby. What’s your name?” I sit there. “Hello? Sweetheart?”
I pull the phone from my ear and hang up. Why did I do that? I drop my head back and groan as the phone starts to ring again.
I watch Angus come out of the store with a bunch of bags. I unlock the door so he can put them in the back before he hops into the driver’s seat. The phone starts ringing again, and I hold it up.
“It’s your mom. I kinda hung up on her. I got scared.”
“You got scared of my mom?” He laughs and takes it from me. “What, did she try to get you to agree to five grandkids or something?”
Angus laughs and answers while I bury my face in my hands.
Are we there yet?
Chapter Six
“I love you,” I say, glancing up at Bambi, and then hang up the phone. “Sorry about that. My mom can get a little…” I try to think of a good word to describe her demand for grandchildren. “Excited.”
“She seemed really nice. I’m sorry I hung up on her. I panicked.”
“No worries, babe.” I turn off the road and down a path that might be hidden if I didn’t know it by heart. I pull up to the little metal box and ahead I see the gate that blends in with the surroundings even during the middle of the day. I key in the code and it swings open as I smile over at her. “We’re here.”
“You really are in the middle of nowhere.” She nibbles on her bottom lip, and I nod.
“Yeah, I love the peace and quiet out here. But we’re close enough to town if you need anything, and I’ve got a post office box in town if you want me to order you something online.”
“I’m surprised you have Wi-Fi.” She laughs as the SUV bumps a little on the way to the cabin.
“That’s kind of a necessity since I work from home. I know I keep calling it a cabin, but I swear there’s running water and electricity.”
“I keep thinking it’s going to be this little shack that you’re going to keep me locked up in.” She laughs nervously, but I can tell she is maybe slightly worried it might be true.
“Nah, you’ve still got my phone, and clearly my mom would love to talk to you.” When she smiles this time, it touches her eyes. “I promise no chains or ropes, just my incredible personality to keep you tied to me.”