Page 149 of Mister Gregory
He told me about Damien showing up at the hospital. I'm glad he didn't let him back to see me. I don't have anything to say to him. I said it all when I left. Honestly, I'm a little surprised he showed up at all. I guess things aren't going well with him and Lizette. Sucks for him. Roman is my emergency contact now. Damien will never show up uninvited again. Thank God.
"Mila? Are you listening to me?" Tahani shouts into the phone.
"Sorry. I was thinking," I confess.
"Are you okay?"
I smile at the worry in her tone. She'll never admit it, but she's just as bad as her dad and Trent. She's bounced back from everything a lot faster than I expected. The first few days were really hard for her, but I think being able to tell Finn about what she overheard helped balance the scales a little bit in her mind.
Seeing firsthand why Roman was so adamant about keeping things from her helped put a lot into perspective for her, too. She now understands why he didn't tell her about his job, and she understands that it was never about him not trusting her. Roman is working hard to be more open with her about things, and their relationship has improved greatly in the last couple of weeks.
"I'm fine," I say with a laugh. "Really. I'm just thinking."
"Where's my dad? Why isn't he hovering over you?"
"He's on the phone."
"Oh." Tahani sighs. "Any idea when they're going to call him in?"
"Not yet." Guerrero may be gone, but a full-fledged gang war has broken out thanks to what he did. There are retaliation shootings almost every day. If it gets much worse, Roman may have to go back to help.
"I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing," she mutters.
I'm not sure either, but Roman is here, and he's safe, so I'm going to take it for what it is and try not to worry too much. If the drugs show up and he has to go back to Los Angeles to help, we'll deal with it.
"Oh my gosh!" Tahani yells, making me jump. "Your appointment was today. I'm the worst friend ever. I'm going to strangle Trent for pissing me off and making me forget. Why didn't you remind me? How did it go? What did they say? How's my little sister doing in there?"
"Check your texts," I say, laughing again.
Tahani is completely on board with having a baby sister. It's still way too early to tell what we're having, but she and Roman are adamant that it's a girl. So long as the baby is healthy, I don't really care what we have. I'd love to give Roman another little girl, but a little boy who looks like him would be perfectly fine with me, too.
My hand settles over my stomach at the thought.
"Oh my God!" Tahani screams.
"They found the heartbeat," I whisper, tears welling in my eyes. As soon as I heard that beautiful sound today, all of my worries disappeared. Just like Roman promised, our baby is really okay. He or she is growing.
The overpowering, pervasive sense of relief I've felt since hearing that strong heartbeat has been incredible.
"I have no idea how to read an ultrasound," Tahani says, sniffling like she's crying a little bit, too, "but I'm so happy for you guys, Mila."
"I am, too." So fucking happy. I can't believe this is actually my life.
"I can't believe I'm going to be a sister! I can't believe you're going to be a mom!"
"Me neither," I say, wiping at my eyes. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones or the stress, but I've been crying a lot lately. It's so annoying! And Roman really hates it when I cry. He says I'm too beautiful for tears. I think he feels like he's failing me a little bit when I cry, but it's not his fault.
Tahani laughs suddenly. "My dad is going to lose it if you really do have a girl, you know that, right?"
"He'll be fine," I mumble, though I know she's right. Roman never got the full experience of raising Tahani, thanks to her mom not telling him that he even had a kid. He didn't know Tahani existed until she was a teenager. He's going to go completely overboard if we have a girl. He is so overprotective; it's honestly a surprise that he let Trent take Tahani home after everything. I'm pretty sure he has Carter and Benson tailing her around the city. No way am I telling her that, though. She'll lose her mind.
"Are you kidding me? Remember when Trent made me cry, and Daddy threatened to rip his balls off and feed them to him?" she laughs loudly. "Trent was worried he really would do it!"
I giggle at the memory. "Trent's kind of a badass, too. Roman told me that Trent threatened to break his kneecaps if he hurt me."
"Seriously?" Tahani sounds impressed. "My dad is scary. It's kinda hot that Trent said that to him. Maybe I will sleep with him today, after all," she mumbles, making me laugh harder.