Page 148 of Mister Gregory
"No, Roman," I tell him. "I know you, and I know that's exactly what you're thinking about doing to protect us so something like today never happens again." He doesn't deny it, and I know that's because he can't. Because that's who he is too. He'd give up something important to him, no questions asked, if he thought it would keep me and Tahani safe. But neither of us is willing to let him walk away from his job. Not when we both know how much the world needs him.
I won't be the reason he walks away from that. No way.
"Fine," he mutters, "but you aren't coming back to LA right now."
I growl at him. How is it possible for him to make me so happy and piss me off so much at the same damn time?
"I'm serious, baby. Until every single one of his people is dealt with, you're not stepping foot in LA. I need you safe. I can't go through this shit again. Knowing I almost lost you twice because of my job is going to give me nightmares for the rest of my fucking life. Don't ask me to go through that again."
"Fine," I grumble, unable to deny him like always. "But you owe me."
He smiles that little boy smile that takes my breath away. "Don't worry, baby," he says, pitching his voice low so his words are little more than a wicked growl. "I'll fuck your hot little mouth as soon as you're feeling better."
I want to growl at him again, but I moan softly and shift in his lap instead.
He tips his head back and laughs at me, his body shaking beneath mine. I roll my eyes at him, pretending to be annoyed, and curl up on his lap again. He cuddles me close and drops a kiss to my forehead before his hand slides down my body to splay over my stomach.
"You're a fucking warrior, baby, and I know our little girl is too," he whispers, bringing tears to my eyes. "She's going to be just fine."
I sniffle and then nod, praying he's right.
He kisses me again, his lips lingering against my forehead.
"You want a girl?" I ask a moment later.
"Fuck yeah. I want a little girl who looks just like you."
"Okay," I whisper, really liking the thought of seeing him with a tiny little girl on his chest. With him as her daddy, she'll be the most protected, most adored little girl to ever live because there is nothing he won't do for his girls. Absolutely nothing.
Chapter Thirty-Five
"I sent you something," I say to Tahani, smiling as I lean back against the kitchen counter in the condo two weeks later.
"Crap, hold on," she mutters, and then her voice sounds down the line again, more distant than before. "Trent, I'm not having sex with you right now. I'm trying to talk to Mila. And you're cut off anyway!"
I bite my lip to keep from laughing when Trent protests loudly in the background.
"Is my dad driving you nuts?" Tahani asks me a moment later, her tone rife with annoyance. "I'm going to strangle Trent if he doesn't give me five minutes to myself. I swear, I can't even pee in peace!"
"He's worried about you," I remind her softly, padding on bare feet to the back door and then slipping out onto the deck. The sun is setting, turning the ocean a riot of gorgeous colors. I sigh happily at the sight and lean against the railing on my good arm, enjoying the breeze blowing in from the water and the sense of peace that steals over me.
"I know, but jeez," she huffs, though I don't think she minds Trent hovering as much as she pretends she does. It's been a rough couple of weeks for everyone.
Roman and I have been back in the condo since I was discharged from the hospital two days after Guerrero shot me. Until Roman decides otherwise, this is home for me now. We're still working out the details with my job, but I don't really mind being here.
Like Trent, Roman's been a little overbearing since I left the hospital. I only get five minutes to myself when he slips away to take one of the many calls that have come in since we've been here.
He's also had to go back to Los Angeles twice to deal with everything. Both times, he left Evan Arias to babysit me…and then called me almost every five minutes to ensure I was still okay. I didn't mind. I've grown to like Evan over the last couple of weeks, and I get that it's going to take some time for Roman to calm down and stop being so crazy overprotective.
He's been having nightmares. Every single time he wakes up in a cold sweat, he reaches for me, his big body shuddering. As soon as I'm in his arms, lying on top of him, he whispers, "Thank God." He clings to me like he's afraid I'll disappear. The way his voice shakes kills me every single time.
Finn is making him talk to a shrink. He's not happy about that, but he's doing it. He's also taking some time off. He was cleared of any wrongdoing in Guerrero's death, but I think Finn's making him take more time off because Roman and Brady helped Selena Ortega disappear. I'm pretty sure Finn wanted to strangle them both over that.