Page 55 of Marcel
“Good idea.”
“What’sthat look for?” His hands drifted down her bare back andlingered there.
“Why? Am I notallowed to look at my handsome husband?” Lifting her head, sheexamined his handsome face.
“If youcontinue to look at me like that, we will find a private corner anddo something about it.”
“Like what?”She asked softly, loving the feeling of ease between them, even whenthe sexual urges were powerful.
“Like-”Bending his head close to her ear, he whispered something. Somethingthat had her shivering, her nipples going rigid.
“It’s—”She had to clear her throat and swallow the lump. “That’svery interesting.”
“Onlyinteresting?” He quirked a thick brow at her, a sensuous smilecurving his lips. He was stroking the bare skin of her back in aslow, gentle rotation that was stirring her senses.
“Yes, darling?”He whispered as he twirled her slowly around the floor.
“I am notfeeling well.”
His smile vanishedimmediately. “What’s wrong?”
“What’swrong?” She croaked. “What’s wrong is that I am sohorny right now that I am completely wet. I am dripping.”
His body went rigid,and her words had him missing a step and stumbling a little.
“You witch,”he whispered thickly.
“Shall we makeour excuses?”
“I think it’stime.”
Simone watched themleave; her hatred and fury were so overwhelming that she wanted tohurl her champagne glass at the couple. He was refusing to take hercalls, and it was evident that he was now into that bitch.
She had seen them onthe dance floor, behaving like they needed a bed. She had also seenthe pitiful glances and whispers from the people in their society.Peter had told her that she would have to pull herself together orface consequences.
“He looks rightthrough you,” Peter hissed. “The man is happily married.And if you do not see that, then you must be blind or deludingyourself. Whatever it was between you two is over. Move on.”
But she couldn’t.Peter was fifteen years her senior and was competent in bed. He triedto make up for what he lacked in expertise with enthusiasm.
But she had been withMarcel, and the way he made her feel was unlike anything she had everexperienced before. The very idea that he was doing that to thatbitch he married every night was beyond comprehension.
She could not forgetthat he had dumped her. He pretended to be with her when she was freefrom Peter. Now he was with someone else and was ignoring her. He hadnot even glanced at her once; his eyes were only for that woman hewas married to.
She could not standit. Plucking another glass of champagne from the passing waiter, shetook a huge swallow and plotted her revenge.
Rolling over, shethrew a thigh over his and watched as he fought to get his breathback.
“Do you thinkyour family believed us when we told them the oyster had turnedagainst us?”
“I don’tmuch care.” Fisting his hand into her tumble of curls, hebrought her head down so he could crush her mouth to his.