Page 54 of Marcel
“Why not takeit up a notch?” Reaching between them, she unzipped his pantsand cupped his hot, swollen flesh, causing him to hiss out a breath.Hiking up her dress, he thanked the good Lord that she had taken offher stockings and her panties.
“You thoughtahead.”
“That’swhy I am such a good lawyer.” She whispered against his mouthas she sank on him.
Chapter 12
“The falloutfrom the doctor’s suicide and his letter caused minimaldamage.”
“Can we spendthe rest of the evening not talking shop?” Marcel asked mildly,looking over to where his wife was holding court with several of hisclub members' wives. He was proud to note that she stood out among agroup of beautiful women.
The dress, if itcould be called that, was a shimmery metallic gold color that clungto her slender curves and highlighted her shape. It was dipped low inthe back and tied around her neck with shoestrings.
Her hair had beenflat ironed and was almost at her waist. The thick, dark brown curlswere glowing with health.
The magnificentoutdoor area of the Plaza Hotel was ablaze with lights andold-fashioned sconces hanging from the high arched ceiling. Peoplehad spilled out onto the beautifully landscaped grounds of the hotel,where chairs and tables dotted the surface.
White-suited caterersinterspersed the guests, carrying glasses of champagne and exotic andsumptuous finger foods that were being consumed by the minute.
The women were deckedout in their fineries, the colors of their expensive gowns adding tothe colors of the flowers blazing in the gardens.
It was an annualcharity event where the generous donations collected would go toseveral charities.
Wendy and Julia,along with several of the women on the committee, had been in chargeof the planning and had been congratulated on doing a very good job.
“You areright,” his father agreed, slapping his son on the shoulder.They were still not comfortable, but over the past few days, they hadbeen forced to put aside their differences. James could see that hisson was happy. He could not take his eyes off his beautiful wife.
A frown touched hisbrow as he glanced at Peter, who seemed to be having an argument withhis wife. As far as his sources had informed him, Marcel had not beenin contact with her since he met her at the diner.
He was hoping thatthe woman finally accepted that she was married and that Marcel wasout of bounds.
“Your wife iscoming this way.”
“It’slike she can read my mind.” He said with a grin. “Excuseme.”
James watched as hewalked over to meet her, guiding her onto the dance floor.
“You lookhappy.” He had been so caught up in the beautiful picture theyhad taken that he had not heard his wife coming up to him.
“I have reasonsto be.” Smiling down at her, he drew her hand through his. “Yououtdid yourself.”
“It was a teameffort.”
“Of course itwas.” His eyes wandered over to Peter and his wife again andsaw with a frown that the woman was now alone and staring at Marceland his wife on the dance floor.
“What is it?”
“I have thissuspicious feeling that Peter’s wife has something up hersleeve.”
James shook his head.“Things are going so well between Marcel and Nikki; I wouldhate to see anything spoiling it. They look happy.”
“They are.”Wendy acknowledged, turning her head to look at the couple. “Ilove the way they are getting along.”
“He is in lovewith her.”
“I think he is.Why don’t you take your wife out on the dancefloor and let usforget everything that might go wrong?”