Page 8 of Daddy's Mad Love
“Clara is packing up your desk, Miss Bianco,” he said, ignoring me. “Congratulations on your engagement.”
Whatever tatters of respect I’d had left for him vanished. Bastard. Judging me for who my grandfather was rather than the work I’d done, and I’d done a lot of good work.
The tears in my eyes were anger, I told myself as I stalked away from him. Clara was at my desk, as promised, a worried expression on her face as I approached.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, completely sincerely. “What happened?”
“My past caught up with me,” I said grimly. Clara didn’t know anything about my past, no one did, and I was going to leave it that way. She’d be safer. I handed my folders to her. She’d take care of my families. Jagged pain trickled through my heart at the thought of leaving them to someone else, but I pushed it away.
It’s not like I was being given a choice.
“Is there anything I can do? Are you still going to come out tonight?” She kept her voice low, her eyes darting over my shoulder. I had no doubt someone was standing there, waiting to make sure I didn’t make a scene on my way out the door. I didn’t plan to. I couldn’t be sure of allies here, not even the other social workers, once they knew the truth.
Still, I hesitated to cut Clara off entirely. I could definitely use a night out and a drink. We’d been planning to go to a new place after the last speakeasy we’d gone to had been shut down.
“No, it’s okay, and yes, I’ll be there,” I answered, my voice even quieter than hers. It would give me something to look forward to while I figured out my next move.
How long did I have before Giacomo came back? I didn’t fool myself, thinking he’d leave me alone for long.
Even less time than I’d thought, I realized when I got outside. Two men were standing across the street, watching the door to the precinct. They didn’t even try to hide the way they straightened as soon as I came out. Pressing my lips together, I did my best to ignore them as I turned on the sidewalk. I didn’t make it more than ten steps before one of the hulking brutes blocked my path.
“Miss Bianco, we have the car ready for you.” His tone was polite but firm.
“And if I refuse?”
“Please don’t get us into trouble, Miss Bianco,” he said quietly with far more humility than I’d expected.
I wasn’t entirely unsympathetic to his position. Unlike Giacomo, he was likely an underling. Though he had chosen this life, it wasn’t his fault he’d been given this particular duty. If he’d been an arrogant jerk, it would have been easier to say no. As it was, I wasn’t sure how much choice I had at the moment. I couldn’t physically resist him; he had backup, and I’d already had a clear demonstration of how little the police would protect me. Pretending to play along with Giacomo’s orders would help me in the long run. If I behaved now, it would be easier to escape later.
“Fine,” I muttered. The big guy took the box from me, carrying it to the car he led me to. The other man was already sitting in the driver’s seat.
I sat in the back with my box, staring out the window as they drove me home, thinking about where I could go next. Trying not to think about Giacomo’s hands on me or the way his voice had growled in my ear. It wasn’t until we arrived it occurred to me—they hadn’t asked for directions or my address.
Another chill went down my spine. How long had they been watching me?
It didn’t matter. I would escape this life again, and this time, I wouldn’t go to a city. I’d find a small town, out in the middle of nowhere, where even the mafia’s long reach couldn’t find me.
“What do you mean she’s gone out?” I was supposed to be relaxing on my own this evening, taking a night off, but Joe had shown up not long after dinner to tell me Hailey had left her house and gone to the newest speakeasy with some other women.
That was not at all what I’d expected her to do.
I thought she’d hunker down in her house or try to run, but going out on the town? My respect for her and my curiosity rose in equal measure. What was she thinking? Was this a show of defiance, or was she in denial? Did she truly think she’d be able to go on with life on her own?
I wanted to know. I wanted to know what she was thinking, what she was doing.
Joe shrugged. “She stayed in her boarding house all afternoon, then left after dinner, all dolled up.”
The hint of admiration in his voice he couldn’t quite conceal indicated she’d dressed to the nines and looked swell by the time she stepped out. So, why hadn’t she run? That had, honestly, been my expectation. Even if she hadn’t run, I expected her to be plotting. Unless… was this part of her plan? I drummed my fingers on the table next to my chair, then got to my feet.
Apparently, my plans for a night in had been canceled.
The air, smelling of cloves and smoke, was filled with laughter as we wove our way to the bar. There was a band and dance floor on the other side of the room, couples swaying to the crooning of the lounge singer as her body swayed in time with the music. I slowly relaxed.