Page 7 of Daddy's Mad Love
Now, I’d give her some time to say goodbye to her old world before our wedding. It was, perhaps, overly generous, but she’d be watched. I almost looked forward to any attempt to run or escape.
“Your days working here are over,” I told her as she blinked dazedly up at me. “You will clear out your desk and say goodbye to your co-workers. Then you will go home and pack up your things and prepare yourself for our wedding.”
Pressing a kiss to her temple, I straightened and walked away, leaving her there with her skirt still over her hips. Suppressing my grin, I firmly shut the door behind me. I was under no such illusion she would do any of those things, and I was looking forward to punishing her for not following my directions.
Chief Barnes was standing outside the door, waiting for me. If he was at all distressed by what he’d witnessed, he didn’t show it. His expression was completely untroubled, though he did appear a bit uncomfortable.
“Give her as much time as she needs without disturbing her,” I told him. He nodded. Walking away from him, I headed to the entrance of the precinct. My own men, including my cousin, Gio, would be waiting for me outside. I’d nearly reached the door when Bruce, Hailey’s erstwhile suitor, stepped in front of me. Jaw clenched, eyes stormy with emotion, he glared at me.
“Is she really a Bianco?” he asked, his voice rough.
“She is, though she’ll be a DiNardo soon,” I said smoothly, deciding not to take umbrage at his tone. The man had just lost his chance with one of the most beautiful and intriguing women I’d ever met, which had to sting. My tolerance would only go so far, though. “Anything else, officer?”
Something in his eyes flashed, but he wasn’t dumb. Pressing his lips together, he shook his head and stepped away. Smart man.
Walking outside into the sunlight, I nodded at Gio and the men he was standing with. They were leaning against a rail and immediately straightened to join me.
“Joe, Bruno, you two stay here. Take her home and make sure she gets there safely. Keep an eye on her. Gio, you’re with me.” We had a few errands to run for my father. Hailey was only part of my day, though the most important part, as far as I was concerned.
My cock still ached for her. For a moment, I contemplated finding a likely tart to relieve myself, but the thought didn’t appeal. I wanted Hailey, and no one else would do as a replacement. A grin spread across my face.
I might even call myself enamored. How amusing.
“Boss?” One of the men looked at me, concerned. Gio raised his eyebrow.
“Let’s go,” I said, heading to the car. No one asked me for an explanation. They didn’t dare.
Dazed and disoriented, I didn’t know how long I laid across the table after Giacomo left me there, but longer than I should have. It didn’t feel real. I was afraid to move in case it started to feel real. I was hoping to wake up and discover it had all been an awful dream.
It was the uncomfortable hardness of the table that finally convinced me I wasn’t dreaming. Giacomo DiNardo had actually come into the precinct, told me I was going to marry him, then molested me to orgasm, all while the police chief watched.
The impact of the reality hitting me sparked tears in my eyes. I gritted my teeth, shoving them back. I refused to cry. I refused to give him anything more than he’d already taken from me.
My pride.
My dignity.
My innocence.
I was still a virgin, but he’d made me feel things I shouldn’t have, things I should only feel with my husband. I wasn’t part of the free love movement and had never intended to be, but for one moment, I wished otherwise. He was the first man to make me feel like that. It was wrong. It was all so, so wrong. I no longer felt innocent, especially not after Chief Barnes stood there and watched. I would have never imagined such a thing.
The blinders were gone from my eyes. The station, which I’d thought of as a safe haven, had never been one. Chief Barnes was not the upstanding chief I’d believed. Bruce was not the hero I’d wanted him to be.
Anger swept through me, washing away my embarrassment and shock. Giacomo had done this. He came through and wrecked my world with a sweep of his hand before forcing me to climax on it. He’d shocked me, then kept me off balance, never relenting, never giving me a moment to recover—until now.
Pushing myself upright, I yanked my skirt down, determination coursing through me.
He thought I’d quit? He thought I’d meekly submit and marry him?
Just like my grandfather, he’d underestimated me.
Ignoring the gentle throbbing between my thighs and the slickness seeping from my underwear, I tilted my chin up, gathered my files, and marched to the door. Yanking it open, I blinked in surprise to see Chief Barnes standing on the other side, waiting for me. If I wanted a show of shame from him for how he’d allowed me to be treated, I would be disappointed.
“Miss Bianco,” he said, and despite my bravado, I winced. I hated hearing that name.
“It’s McQueen, Chief.”