Page 345 of Hateful Games
It soon turned to coming over every morning to take my dogs for a walk. He even talked me into giving him a key to my apartment so I could sleep in without worrying about opening the door.
He’s been patient, taking things at my pace and never once pressuring for more. It almost feels like we’re dating. Even though I still wear his ring and we’re very much married.
The faces before me blur, the sounds becoming white noise as I ask myself: what the hell am I doing? What exactly am I waiting for? I haven’t stopped loving him. Not even for a second. I want what we had before the catastrophe hit.
I want what he told me that day.
I want to be in his arms, day and night. I want to tell him how much I love him and that he’s mine just as much as I’m his. That my life is incomplete without him. He’s the other half of my soul. My light in the dark. The future father of my kids.
He’s everything.
The visceral need to call him slams into me. However, before I can call or text him, one of the organizers of the event enters our private room and informs us to go to my table. They’re going to start letting people in, in a few minutes.
“Let’s go, Ro,” says Bianca.
After the signing, I’m taking the first flight home.
Braving a smile, I step out of the shadows and enter the brightly lit room. I’m confused when I only catch sight of one author table with all my books on display.
Hmm, strange.
Perhaps they’ve given separate rooms to each attending author?
Reaching my table, I stare in pride at my books. Sometimes, it feels like a dream that I wrote all of them. So many words, so many stories. Each character having a little trait of mine. I hold back tears.
“This is fantastic, Rosa,” murmurs Iris. “I’m so glad you’re doing this. The world deserves to know just how talented you are.”
Bianca hugs me. “We’re so proud of you, Ro. Now, let’s rock this day.”
“Thank you for being here, both of you,” I tell them. “Love you guys.”
As soon as we pull apart, the crowd rushes in and walk straight to my table. At the front is a pair of girls closer to my age and the moment they’re before me, they start to talk at once.
“Oh my god! I’ve been your fan for so goddamn long.”
“I’m completely obsessed with your books!”
“I love your writing. Your characters are so easy to connect with.”
I laugh, smiling wide and blushingly say, “Thank you so much. Makes me so happy to hear.”
“Please. I want a signed copy of all your books.”
“Me too!”
My hands shake when I flip the book and sign each copy. Still feeling on cloud nine as I hear the love in their voices. It’s such an incredible feeling that I can’t put into words. Pun intended.
Before I know it, the line keeps moving and never ending as I meet each of my lovely readers. Grateful for every single one of them. Hours go by as Bianca and Iris help me along. Packing bags and swag while I interact with the readers.
During the chaos, I miss the tall podium at the head of the large room along with chairs being brought in and spread around. One of the organizers clears their throat into the mike and tells the guests to grab a seat as they’re pausing the signing for a few minutes.
I glance in confusion at Bianca and Iris, who act innocent, but I don’t miss the secret smiles they exchange. I ask, “What’s going on?”
“No idea.”
“Who knows?”
I face forward when the same organizer says that the main sponsor of this event would like to say a few words. However, she moves aside without revealing the name. I follow her gaze and my lungs lose all the oxygen as I stare at Nova confidently walking toward the podium. A hush falls around the room, like everyone knows they’re about to witness something heartwarming.