Page 344 of Hateful Games
He doesn’t mention the elephant in the room either. “I’m here to cook and feed you breakfast. Come.”
Taking my hand, he twists me around and strolls inside. My apartment isn’t that big with an open floor plan. So, he easily finds the kitchen. Ordering me to sit on the stool at the island, he takes out the items. Eggs, brown bread, my favorite fruits, butter, and jam.
“What are we doing, Nova?” I finally ask.
He doesn’t pause as he rifles around in my kitchen. “Hanging out.”
“What? Like friends?”
“Yes, as friends.” Meeting my gaze, he sweetly says, “Who love each other.”
My heart skips a beat in agreement about loving him, not the former. “Is that enough for you?”
“Nothing short of having you in my arms, hearing you say you love me, and calling me yours while spending the rest of our lives together will be enough.” His tone becomes deeper with yearning. “Once that happens, we’re going to have children so we can grow our family and you can never leave me again. So no, Rose, this could never be enough.”
I stare at my lap, tears burning the corners of my eyes. “Then why?”
Reaching my side, he tilts my head. Smiling tenderly, he makes me fall in love with him all over again with his next words.
“Because when I have you again, it won’t be because of some obligation or a contract. It’ll be because you chose to be mine and thought me worthy to be your husband.”
Chapter Ninety
(Three months later)
My palms are sweaty and the blood is rushing to my head, making me feel like I’ll faint.
I can’t believe I’m about to do this.
I’m nervous but for the first time, it’s the absolutely thrilling kind. The one where you know something amazing and life-altering is about to happen. You want to freeze time yet at the same time want to see which exciting journey it takes you on.
“Oh my god, Ro!” squeals Iris in awe. “There are so many people outside. A huge freaking line.”
“Do you think they’ll catch you if we throw you on top like rock stars do?” suggest Bianca wiggling her eyebrows. “I’m so tempted to try it.”
Iris rapidly nods her head. “Yes, we should totally do that.”
“Ugh… Why did I bring you two?”
Bianca snorts. “Like we’d let you do this without us.”
“I’m your assistant, remember?” reminds Iris.
I roll my eyes at their antics and take a peek around the corner. I have to clutch the wall to stay steady. Iris wasn’t exaggerating about the number of people, except the part that they’re all here to see me.
Ever since I decided on taking control of my life, there was one thing on my bucket list and that was to reveal my face to my readers. I no longer wanted to stay hidden and proudly look the world in the eye and say I’m a romance author.
The universe was obviously on my side because about two months ago, I was invited to the first-ever exclusive romance book signing in Mumbai. I swear I had read the invitation over and over before taking the plunge.
I called Bianca and Iris right after and asked them to come with me so I don’t get cold feet. However, the fear never came. Even now, as I stare at the crowd. I’m just eager to meet them all. My stomach somersaulting in exhilaration. I wonder if the other authors are also feeling the same.
Surrounded by my girls, I miss Nova. Wishing I had told him.
The last three months have been surreal. He’s inserting himself into my life deeper, carving a home for himself once more with sweet little gestures. The day he came by for our breakfast date to divert my mind from my dad’s case, he stayed until the news broke out of my father being imprisoned for life. Nova had held me as I cried in pure relief that my nightmare was finally over.
Since then, he’s come over daily to have one meal together.