Page 21 of Wanting You
“No one said dazzled,” she murmured. “But you have to admit that he’s kind of good-looking. Are you sure you’re not just a little flustered by him because of that?”
It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought of that, but she just wasn’t particularly ready to admit it.
“No. This is strictly because of his personality. At least…it was until about an hour ago. Maybe there’s hope for him, but…”
“Chloe, come on! You literally give everyone the benefit of the doubt! Remember that bully, Tad Paulson, in the fourth grade? He was such a jerk and you refused to tell on him!”
“I know, but…”
“He was always knocking your books out of your hands! Everyone thought something was wrong with your arms because you were always picking your stuff up off the floor!”
“Okay, but…you stepped in and got him to stop! It’s not the same thing!”
Ashlynn studied her for a moment. “Do I need to show up at the school tomorrow and put this guy in his place? Because I will, you know.”
Sadly, she did know this, and as much as she normally appreciated her sister’s interference, this was something she was going to have to handle on her own.
“No, but thank you. I’m probably being too hard on him. I’m sure once school starts next week he won’t be so full of himself. Once he sees how challenging a room full of five-year-olds is, maybe he’ll be humbled and realize that he should have taken some advice from seasoned teachers.”
“And you’re sure you’re not being all weird because he’s hot and you get all weird and uncomfortable around hot guys?”
“Tanner’s not hot…”
With Chloe’s phone still in her hand, Ashlynn held it up to show a picture of Tanner smiling while holding his skis. “Seriously? How can you even say that? He’s obviously hot!”
That was the moment Reid came over to join them. “Who’s hot?”
“One of the new teachers at Chloe’s school,” Ashlynn said teasingly. “And he’s going to be teaching kindergarten too!”
Reid looked between the two of them before focusing on Chloe. “So you think he’s hot?”
Then he glanced at Ashlynn. “So…you think he’s hot? Do I need to go kick his ass or something?”
Ashlynn laughed before standing up and kissing him soundly. “You’re adorable when you’re all jealous, but no. You don’t have to kick his ass. I was simply pointing out that he’s hot because I know Chloe thinks he is.”
“But…she just said she didn’t…”
“She’s lying. Trust me. We’re twins and I am the only person on the planet that knows when her pants are on fire. Like now.”
“Would you please…”
“Guys,” Billie hissed, as if this wasn’t the first time she was saying it. “The nurse is here to take us back to see Mom.”
And that effectively ended the debate on Tanner’s hotness.
Somberly, they followed the nurse down a labyrinth of hallways until they finally came to the room where Marie Donovan was. Chloe grabbed Ashlynn’s free hand as they walked in and the sight of her mother lying so still and her face covered in bruises was enough to bring on a fresh wave of tears.
Ashlynn’s grip was just as tight and she squeezed twice as if to say she was feeling it too. For a few minutes, no one spoke; they were all in shock. Levi stood by Marie’s head and gently brushed some hair away from her forehead.
“This is worse than I thought,” he murmured. “I guess I was expecting to come in here and she’d be sitting up and talking.”
“They sedated her because of all the tests and scans,” Reid explained. “Plus, until they can set the bones, it’s best if she doesn’t move around too much. She might be more alert and awake tonight, but I’d say that tomorrow will be the first chance you’ll have to really talk to her.”
It wasn’t the news anyone wanted to hear.
“I’m going to stay tonight,” Billie announced before looking over at Levi. “Tell Jade I won’t be in tomorrow, and there are plenty of cakes and cookies in the freezer that she can put out. I’ll go in at some point and bake for the weekend, but…I need to be here.” Gently picking up Marie’s hand, she held it in hers. “I just can’t believe this happened.”