Page 20 of Wanting You
“Not really. He went on and on and on about statistics and possible injuries sustained in that kind of crash, but he didn’t get into anything specific,” Ash said with a sigh.
Chloe was about to say more, but Reid was walking back over with someone she guessed was a doctor. “Wow…the fireman card must work.”
“Everyone, this is Dr. Barnett,” Reid said. “And he’s the attending who’s taking care of Marie.”
“How is she?” Levi asked.
Dr. Barnett gave a curt nod before addressing them. “Your mother suffered blunt force trauma. Her left arm and hip are fractured and she has a concussion, whiplash, and several broken ribs.” Pausing, he looked grim. “She’s got a long recovery ahead of her, but this could have been a lot worse. Fortunately, she was wearing her seatbelt and her airbags deployed.”
“When can we see her?” Billie asked.
“We’re waiting for a room to be available, but you can all go back and see her. Just be prepared because she’s very banged up and mildly sedated. I’ll have a nurse come and take you back.”
They all thanked him before he walked away, and then Reid, Levi, and Billie began to talk. Meanwhile, Ashlynn led Chloe a few feet away to talk to her privately. “How are you holding up?”
Tears stung her eyes again. “I’m not,” she admitted. “I’m afraid to go back and see Mom looking all…you know, banged up and hurt.” Then the dam broke and she was crying all over her sister’s shoulder.
“It’s okay. I get it,” Ash said quietly. “I know Reid was trying to prepare me on the way over, but…I’m not really ready for this either.” Hugging Chloe tight, she offered a suggestion. “How about this—until the nurse comes out to get us, let’s talk about something else. What do you say?”
Pulling back, Chloe frowned. “Like…what? What could we possibly talk about at a time like this?”
Now Ash led her over to one of the couches so they could sit. “How did the meeting go this morning? Did you get to meet all the new teachers?”
Her shoulders sagged a bit, and now she wanted to cry for another reason. “I love that you pay attention to all the stuff going on in my life and remember it.” Squeezing her hand, she continued. “I did get to meet everyone and the meeting was fine.”
“But…Tanner brought in breakfast stuff even though he knew I was taking care of it! I mean…he was just doing it to be a jerk!”
“Wait…who’s Tanner? One of the new teachers?”
Oh, right. Her sister didn’t know about all the drama that had unfolded this week. She gave her the abbreviated version of everything and then sighed loudly. “I think he’s just trying to upstage me or something.”
“Or…” Ash carefully interrupted. “He was just trying to be part of the team. Maybe like…I don’t know…like he was trying to make it like the kindergarten team was providing breakfast. If you look at it that way, it was kind of sweet.”
Groaning, Chloe slumped back against the cushions. “I really want to like that theory, but there was just something so…cocky about it.” She paused. “Perhaps I’m being overly sensitive…”
“Um…ya think?”
She gave Ash the side-eye before responding. “Everything about him just…irritates me. He’s so arrogant and has this colossal ego, and I just can’t see him being a good kindergarten teacher.”
With nothing more than a tsk, her sister spoke volumes.
“Okay, fine. I’m being judgmental. There. Happy?” she huffed. “We were sort of having a good conversation right before Billie called. Like…we were just talking and it was nice and kind of fun. I was almost seeing him in a new light.”
“That’s great! Some people just don’t make a good first impression. I’m sure you were a little on the defensive because he’s not the teacher you were prepared for. Unfortunately, he’s the one you got, so you’re going to have to learn to play nice.”
“Shouldn’t he be the one trying to play nice and not come in like a steamroller? Just because he’s a little famous…”
“Wait, wait, wait…he’s famous?” Ash asked with wide-eyed amusement. “Famous how?”
Pulling out her phone, she showed her the Google search results. “Competitive skier. Apparently his picture’s up in the pro shop at the resort.”
“Wow! I never met a professional skier! That’s kind of cool!”
Chloe shot her a hard look. “Seriously? Now you’re dazzled by him?”