Page 90 of Brutally His (Gilded Decadence)
“No, Seamus. Why don’t you lock the door and give me and the girl here a moment alone so I can get some payback and maybe teach her some fucking manners?”
“We don’t have time for that,” the little guy, Seamus, said.
“Girl, you’re screwing a rich-ass motherfucker, a man with a silver spoon so far up his ass he can taste it, and he’s allowing you to live in a shithole like this? Shit. Fuck, bitch, we might be doing you a favor.”
“You might have a point,” Seamus said. “If she stayed here, she wasn’t going to survive the winter anyway. Still, we don’t have time for any fooling around now. I’m sure you’ll get your chance later. Come on, we’re running out of time. Pick her up, and let’s go.”
Seamus and the Big One each grabbed an arm and dragged me to my feet. I tried to fight them, but my back was screaming with every single movement. My head was swimming, and I just wanted to throw up, then curl up into a ball and sleep.
I tried pulling my arms out of their meaty grip, and it was absolutely useless. There was nothing I could do to get out of this.
Thinking as quickly as I could, I started loosening my shoe, nudging it with my other toe. When we got to Sabrina’s door, I used it, kicking it off my foot, trying to hit her door, praying she was home and saw what was happening.
I thought I heard a door open, but I wasn’t sure. I was fading in and out of consciousness as I was dragged downstairs and then thrown in the back of a car that reeked of whiskey and cigarettes.
The men argued outside the car for a minute. I thought it was about who was driving, but I couldn’t be sure. I was still dizzy, and it seemed like the world was spinning around me. Still, I tried to use the distraction and slide out of the other side of the car. I got about two steps away from it, opening my mouth to scream out for help when a big, meaty hand pressed over my lips and pulled me into a body. The putrid scent of sweat, body odor, and stale cigarettes was nearly enough to choke me. It made my eyes water, and I wanted to vomit.
“What did I say about you being a good girl?”
He pushed me against the car, hitting my head on the doorframe, and everything went dark.
The line went dead in my ear, and I threw my phone across the apartment. It landed somewhere on the thick rug as I let out a wild-sounding roar of frustration.
It wasn’t until I flipped over a glass table, shattering the top, that I was able to gain some semblance of control over myself. With a few deep breaths, I tried to center myself and figure out the best course of action.
The first thing I needed was proof. I couldn’t believe it was true. Not until I saw it with my own eyes would I believe that Eddie had been taken by the fucking Irish mob.
Until I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt they had her and hadn’t just cloned or even stolen her phone, I couldn’t tear the city apart looking for her.
If it was true and they had her, then I would break every law, ripping this city apart to get her back. It didn’t matter what it took, who I had to pay off, blackmail or even hurt. She would be back in my bed safe and sound by the end of the day, and whoever had dared touch her would be wishing I would only arrest them. They would never see the inside of a cell. Prisoners had rights, and these monsters didn’t deserve such consideration.
I would be their judge, jury, and executioner.
I left my apartment, convincing myself that it had to be a joke. It had to be some type of sick prank. My driver was still sitting in front of the building, waiting to pull into traffic to park the car. Instead, I jumped in the back seat and told him to take me to Eddie’s apartment.
“The one by the park, sir?” he asked.
“No, the shithole where we found her,” I said, running my fingers through my hair and trying to do breathing exercises so I didn’t give myself a fucking heart attack on the way to get my girl back.
I closed my eyes and remembered how she was this morning, nearly naked in my bed, reading dissertations and police reports, how she chewed her bottom lip while going through bank and other financial statements, looking for discrepancies. She had even found a few I had missed. She was perfect, and she was mine, and I was not about to let some low-life thug who should rot behind bars fucking take her from me.